Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg presents at annual meeting of Gender and Migration in West Africa Otto Hahn Research Group
8 August 2024Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg, Broom Professor of Social Demography and Anthropology at Carleton, presented at the annual meeting of the Gender and Migration in West Africa Otto Hahn Research Group with the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle (Saale), Germany. The topic was “Women of Power.”
Cheryl Yin presents at European Association for Southeast Asian Studies conference
23 July 2024Cheryl Yin, assistant professor of anthropology at Carleton, presented a paper titled “Linguistic Honorifics in Cambodia: Language of Respect or Language of Inequality” at the European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) conference in Amsterdam. The paper — part of a panel titled “Accepting inequality in precarious Southeast Asia” — discussed whether language-users who have explicit honorifics built into the grammar of the language are more accepting of inequality.
Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg presents to the Arbeitskreis Medical Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin
11 July 2024Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg, Broom Professor of Social Demography and Anthropology at Carleton, presented “Memory Genealogies and Public Health: Authoritarianism and COVID-19 Rumors in Cameroon” to the Arbeitskreis Medical Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin.
Cheryl Yin, assistant professor of anthropology at Carleton, gave a virtual presentation titled, “’Why is God Angry?’: Debates Surrounding the Expansion of Moral Concern in Cambodian Christian Settings” for the Center for Khmer Studies. Khmer (Cambodian) has honorifics built into the language; Yin shared data from one chapter that asks how God should speak to people on earth and showed how attitudes about social hierarchy and linguistic respect has changed in the last century, prompting newer Bible translations to make God sound nicer and more polite.
Cheryl Yin gives virtual talk for Southern California Network of Southeast Asian Studies
14 June 2024Cheryl Yin, assistant professor of anthropology, gave a virtual talk titled “When Cambodians Don’t Know How to Talk to Monks: Buddhism, Language, and Respect” for the Southern California Network of Southeast Asian Studies.
Cheryl Yin gives virtual talk for Cluster on Language Research workshop
13 June 2024Cheryl Yin, assistant professor of anthropology, gave a virtual talk titled “How Not to Talk to Monks: Dysfluency in the Buddhist Monk Register among Cambodians” for the Cluster on Language Research workshop at University of California–Davis.
WWII vet Dan Dougherty ’49 flies to France to commemorate 80th anniversary of D-Day Outside link
10 June 2024SOAN alum Dan Dougherty ’49, World War II veteran and one of the last surviving liberators of the Dachau Concentration Camp, traveled to France to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. His trip was covered by CBS News for a piece titled, “WWII vet from Northern California flies to France to commemorate 80th anniversary of D-Day” and by KCRA for a piece titled, “Fairfield WWII veteran to tour France for 80th D-Day anniversary.”
Daniel Williams, associate professor of sociology and Africana studies at Carleton, and Chielo Eze, director of Africana studies at Carleton, were awarded a 2024 Curriculum Innovation faculty grant from the Carleton Faculty Curricular Planning Committee to support collaborative work on the curricular development of the Africana Studies program.
SOAN major Anna Frankel ’24 received second place in the 2024 Center for Global and Regional Studies (CGRS) Travel Writing Contest with “My Cat, Cloyd”
Cheryl Yin, assistant professor of anthropology at Carleton, published “Cambodian Refugees and Michigan Sponsors: One Story of Non-Kin Relationships in Refugee Resettlement” in the Journal of American Studies. It recounts her mother’s refugee resettlement story in Michigan and her relationship with her American sponsors.