Everyone deserves to be safe at Carleton. Each member of the campus community has a responsibility to help create a supportive, inclusive environment that is free from harm. Carleton supports the creation of this environment in the following ways.

  • All new students are required to complete Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates (SAPU), an online sexual violence prevention program, before arriving on campus and to participate in CarlTalk programs during New Student Week. These programs give new members of the Carleton community the opportunity to learn campus policies and values around consent, healthy relationships, and preventing sexual misconduct.
  • Carleton’s bystander intervention program, Green Dot, equips students with the confidence and skills to intervene when they observe harmful behavior that could lead to sexual assault, intimate partner violence, or stalking.
  • SMPR offers a range of prevention programming to student organizations, sports teams, and residential floors. Programs can be requested through this form.

Stalking, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault are never the fault of the victim/survivor. One of the best ways to reduce the risk of sexual violence at Carleton is to recognize the warning signs of abusive behavior, hold others accountable for such behavior, and get help for yourself or others who may be at risk of harm.