The Community Concern form and the Complaint Process are two separate processes. Submitting a Community Concern is not the same as filing a Complaint under the College’s Sexual Misconduct Policies and Procedures. Complaints must be filed with the Title IX Coordinator. By submitting a Community Concern form, you are notifying the College of your concern. The College will then take reasonable action to provide for the safety of the campus, and to ensure that those affected are connected with appropriate support options. Unless the Dean of Students Office and the Title IX Coordinator believes that life or safety is compromised, we will not take action without communicating with you.

You may request a copy of the information you submitted in a Community Concern Form at any time. 

Note: All Carleton Faculty, Staff, and Student Life Peer Leaders cannot anonymously submit Community Concern Forms re: concerns that are sexual in nature.  

Non-identifying information on Community Concern forms will also be used for statistical monitoring in compliance with the federal Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act only and will be kept confidential.