
The Security Services Advisory Group (SSAG) provides insight into Security Services’ practices and presence on campus.

The Security Services Advisory Group serves a role in Security Services’ strategy to Connect – Engage – Serve.


  • Enhance the relationship between the Carleton Community and Security Services.
  • Provide insight into Security Services projects and initiatives.
  • Bring questions for security perspective on issues that affect the entire Carleton Community.
  • Provide honest feedback to Security Services on security practices and presence on campus.


Faculty: Two (2) faculty members serve the SSAG in renewable terms.  Each is appointed by the Faculty Affairs group to serve a one-year term.  To create an overlap for continuity, initially, one faculty position will be a two-year term and the other a one-year term.

Staff: Four staff members serve the SSAG in renewable terms.  Two (2) staff members chosen through the Staff at Carleton (SAC) and two (2) staff members chosen through the Forum.  Each is appointed to serve a one-year term.  To create an overlap for continuity, initially, one non-exempt and one exempt position will be a two-year term and the other a one-year term.

Students: Two (2) students serve the SSAG in renewable terms.  Each is appointed through the Carleton Student Association (CSA), preferably one student from the freshman/sophomore classes and one student from the junior/senior classes.  Each is appointed to serve a one-year term.

Ex-Officio: Two (2) Security Services employees and one (1) Student Life employee serve the group in an ex officio capacity.

Contact your governance organization if you are interested in serving on the Security Services Advisory Group.

Preferred Skills/Experience for SSAG Members

The group does not require any preferred skills or experience.  We welcome members with an interest in campus security.

Group Work

  • The SSAG meets the second and sixth Wednesday of each term.
  • Agendas are determined primarily by the group’s goals and community input.

The Security Services Advisory Group communicates to the campus community through the CSA, SAC, and Forum meetings as requested, and through the Carleton Today.