Our Journey Continues; One-stop Shop for Budget Reports

25 October 2023

Since the start of our Workday journey last January, we have continued to refine, develop, and plan for new Workday tools that will create an improved experience. For example, we have been working to further develop our suite of reports for budget managers across campus as they work towards the vital goal of managing our campus finances. 

We have now taken this suite of reports and combined them into a new one-stop shop for all budget reports! Managers and analysts can use this new Budget Reporting app to see the balances for operating budgets, gifts, FDAs, and grants. By simply clicking on the Menu, Apps, and then on Budget Reporting, you’ll get to this new landing page. Discover more information on the Budget Dashboard. You can keep up with developments, as well as training tips and advice by subscribing to this blog. Naturally, we’re also happy to hear from you with feedback or with questions.