Sep 26
SAC Fall Term Meeting #1 w/ reps from Strategic Planning Coordinating Committee
Tue, September 26, 2023
• 11:00am
- 12:00pm (1h) • Anderson Hall 36
All SAC members are welcome to attend the meeting. SAC members include all permanent, full- and part-time, non-union, and non-exempt staff.
The Joy Squad has arranged for doughnuts from Fireside Orchard at this year's kickoff meeting, during which we will catch up with fellow staff members and learn about SAC's goals for the year. We will also be joined by three members of the strategic planning coordinating committee: Alison Byerly, Dev Gupta, and Carolyn Livingston.
In preparation for the meeting, we'd like to encourage everyone to review the most recent Draft Strategic Plan; if you don't have time to read the full draft, Section I. (pp. 8-11 of the PDF) covers the Community of Belonging, which will likely have the greatest impact on staff.
We hope to see you there!
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