During the first year (Russian 101-103) we employ a multi-skill approach to cover fundamental communicative skills and basic grammar. Using original materials developed by the Carleton Russian faculty, we introduce students to a wide range of historical and cultural texts: folklore, poetry, histories of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and original texts by Pushkin, Tolstoy and Chekhov. First year courses are team-taught by native and non-native speakers of Russian.
Russian 101 at Carleton is offered every fall term.
Students fulfill the language requirement by completing Russian 204, usually during the fall of sophomore year. Students then may elect to enroll in Russian 205: Speaking and Listening, in which they learn about contemporary Russian cultural and social issues, while continuing to hone their language skills. Throughout the language sequence we use authentic materials: contemporary film, rock and popular music, and television footage to supplement more traditional sources in the contemporary press. Satellite link-up to Russian TV, short-wave radio and state-of-the-art audio and video equipment are available at the Language Center.
Native speakers of Russian should contact the department about testing, placement, and courses of interest. We have a wide selection of options for you, as well as opportunities for study in Moscow.