This year’s annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion was held in San Antonio, Texas. In addition to attending sessions and delivering their own papers at the conference, Religion Department faculty also often enjoy re-connecting with Carleton’s religion major alums. Here Professors Sonja Anderson and Lori Pearson pose with three graduates of Carleton’s religion department. Kate Hoeting, Carleton class of 2019 and graduate of Harvard Divinity School, gave a paper, “Changed and Changeable: Catholic Theological Histories of Abortion.” Hoeting is Writer and Managing Editor of Catholics for Choice. Jorge Banuelos, Carleton class of 2020 and PhD student at Yale University, gave a paper, “Eidetics and Dialectics: Critical Phenomenology and A Historical Study of Religion.” They are pictured here with Maggie Goldberger, Carleton class of 2019, graduate of Harvard Divinity School, and currently a PhD student at the University of Chicago. From left to right: Hoeting, Anderson, Banuelos, Pearson, and Goldberger.