Lori Pearson, Professor of Religion, is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Stipend for her project, “Marianne Weber and the Origins of Religious Studies.” Professor Pearson’s…
Michael McNally is recipient of a Luce/ACLS Fellowship in Religion, Journalism & International Affairs
5 April 2021Michael McNally, John M. and Elizabeth W. Musser Professor of Religious Studies, has been awarded a fellowship from the Luce/ACLS Program in Religion, Journalism & International Affairs. This prestigious program aims…
Sacred Minnesota, a documentary film short project begins airing on Minnesota PBS stations: A TPT Partnership with Carleton College, the Public Works Initiative, and ReligionsMN.org
Roger Jackson Receives the Toshihide Numata Award
18 January 2021Roger Jackson, John W. Nason Professor of Asian Studies and Religion, Emeritus, has received the 2020 Toshihide Numata Award for his book, Mind Seeing Mind: Mahāmudrā and the Geluk Tradition…
McNally Publishes “Defend the Sacred”
14 December 2020Professor Michael McNally has published his book, Defend the Sacred: Native American Religious Freedom Beyond the First Amendment (Princeton University Press, 2020), for which he was granted the Guggenheim Fellowship.…
Alumni Authors
14 December 2020Our Religion Alumni often produce published works after graduating from Carleton. As a department, we’re spotlighting four incredible alumni who, post-Carleton, earned their Ph.D.’s and wrote insightful books within the field…
Religion Department Statement of Solidarity
1 June 2020To All Our Religion Students, Especially Students of Color, Our department is grieving and angry—in fact, our hearts are torn apart—by the murder of George Floyd by the hands of…
Shaun Casey, the former director of the State Department’s Office of Religion and Global Affairs, will deliver the 2019 Carleton College Ian Barbour Lecture on Religion and Modernity on Thursday,…
Noah Salomon awarded New Directions Fellowship
30 April 2018Associate Professor of Religion, Noah Salomon, has received a prestigious New Directions Fellowship from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for a new project, “Thinking Islam across the Sunni-Shi‘i Divide: A…
Talking Story, Dancing Waters: Hālau Kiawekūpono O Ka Ua
12 April 2018In late October, when most Minnesotans are dreaming of better weather, an outgoing troupe of Hawaiian dancers left their warm island homes to visit Carleton College. During their stay, members…