Sonja Anderson has article accepted for publication in the Harvard Theological Review
25 April 2024Sonja Anderson, assistant professor of religion, had an article accepted for publication in the Harvard Theological Review titled, “When Eucharists Attack: Discerning the Body in Cyprian’s ‘On the Lapsed.'”
Roger Jackson interviewed by Tergar International’s Buddhist Education Program
4 April 2024Roger Jackson, John W. Nason Professor of Asian Studies and Religion, emeritus, was recently interviewed for the “Vajrayana Online” component of Tergar International’s Buddhist education program. He also gave a talk titled, “The Indian Roots of Mahamudra” for Ocean, an online community of students of the late Tibetan Buddhist master, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Louis Newman gave a presentation to the Faculty Advisory Council of the Illinois Board of Higher Education
23 February 2024Louis Newman, John M. and Elizabeth W. Musser Professor of Religious Studies, emeritus, gave a presentation to the Faculty Advisory Council of the Illinois Board of Higher Education, which includes Amy Carr ’89 , on “Teaching Our Students to Think Critically.” He also gave two online workshops on related topics to the faculty of the Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco.
Religion Outside the Classroom
11 January 2023Yesterday, the Religion Department organized a lunch for students called “Religion Outside the Classroom.” We heard from the Carleton OCS, Career Center, and Fellowships offices, as well as senior religion majors who have utilized the programs and services that these offices offer.
Professor Kristin Bloomer Organizes Panel at AAR Conference
22 December 2022Kristin Bloomer, associate professor and chair of religion, presided over a panel she organized at the annual conference of the American Academy of Religion in November entitled, “Mediums, Media, and Mediators in Global Catholicism.” Paper topics included the films and ontology of André Bazin, transgressive devotion to Santa Muerte, Catholic cartography and the mapping of prejudice and praxis, and mediating Catholicism in a digital world.
Religion Professor Lori Pearson Presents at AAR Annual Meeting
15 December 2022Lori Pearson, professor of religion, gave a paper at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion on theological debates about democracy in Germany during and after World War I.
Religion Professor Sonja Anderson Publishes Article
15 December 2022Sonja Anderson, assistant professor of religion, published an article entitled, “Idol/Idolatry (New Testament),” in the peer-reviewed Oxford Bibliographies series. The article is a thorough review of the scholarship — in English,…
In Memoriam: Bardwell Smith Outside link
7 December 2022Bardwell Smith, age 97, died in Northfield on November 28. Bardwell was hired in 1960 to join Carleton’s recently formed Religion Department. He retired as the John W. Nason Professor of Religion and Asian Studies, Emeritus, in 1996. He also served as the Dean of the College during a time of great change from 1967–1972 and then as the Director of Asian Studies from 1973–1977. Bardwell profoundly influenced generations of students and was a generous colleague to many who benefitted from his wise counsel, quick wit, and compassionate spirit.
Professor Emeritus Roger Jackson Interviewed for Podcast, Pursuit of Infinity Outside link
21 November 2022Roger Jackson, John W. Nason professor of Asian studies and religion, emeritus, was interviewed about his book, Rebirth, for the podcast Pursuit of Infinity.
Religion Professor Sonja Anderson Publishes Article
4 November 2022Sonja Anderson, assistant professor of religion, published an article entitled, “Seeing Who’s Not There: Velázquez’s Kitchen Maid with the Supper at Emmaus,” in the book Race and Biblical Studies: Antiracism Pedagogy…
Asuka Sango’s Endowed Chair Lecture: Living Thought: Practices of Scholarly Learning in Medieval Japanese Buddhism
11 October 2022On September 21, 2002, Asuka Sango gave her endowed chair lecture about her current book project, “Living Thought: Practices of Scholarly Learning in Medieval Japanese Buddhism,” a study of Buddhist scholasticism in medieval Japan. In attendance were President Alison Byerly, Provost Michelle Mattson, faculty from the Religion, Art History, Asian Languages and Literatures, History, Music, and Philosophy Departments, as well as staff from the Academic Technology, Grants Office, and Library.
Bardwell Smith, John W. Nason Professor of Religion and Asian Studies Emeritus, has just published Precarious Balance: Sinhala Buddhism and the Forces of Pluralism at the age of 97. The…
Lori Pearson, Professor of Religion, is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Stipend for her project, “Marianne Weber and the Origins of Religious Studies.” Professor Pearson’s…