NumeNews, the Religion Department Newsletter
Welcome to NumeNews, the Carleton Religion Department’s newsletter! We have initiated this newsletter as a way to keep in touch with our alumni, and hope you will find these issues informative. We hope to publish one issue each term and to include in each issue some combination of news about current faculty and students, events on campus, and changes taking place within the Department.
We also hope to include a section of news from alumni. So, if you have information that you’d like to share with us — professional accomplishments, personal news, or ideas about articles or features you’d like to see in the newsletter — please send this information to Laura Hamilton, Administrative Assistant for the Religion Department.
A word about the title: “Numen,” based on the ancient Greek and Latin roots, refers to a divine being and is the root of the word “numinous,” made famous in Rudolf Otto’s classic work on religious experience, The Idea of the Holy. Credit for coming up with the idea for this title goes to Cori Sparks who graduated in 2004.
Please enjoy reading the most current as well as past issues of NumeNews!
Nume News Summer 2024pdf-1 (4.7MB PDF Document)
Nume News Summer 2023 (13.7MB PDF Document)
NumeNews Spring 2022 (1.4MB PDF Document)
NumeNews Winter 2022 (916.2KB PDF Document)
NumeNews Fall 2021 (461.1KB PDF Document)
NumeNews Spring 2021 (5.4MB PDF Document)
NumeNews Fall 2020 (408.2KB PDF Document)
NumeNews Fall 2019 (1.5MB PDF Document)
NumeNews Spring 2019 (1.9MB PDF Document)
NumeNews Winter 2019 (817.1KB PDF Document)
NumeNews Fall 2018 (857.5KB PDF Document)