69 credits earned through courses in the department, and in Religion Pertinent courses offered by other departments, and in select courses from off-campus study programs.

Required courses:

  • RELG 110 Understanding Religion, ordinarily taken by end of fall of the junior year
  • RELG 300 Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion, winter term of the junior year
  • RELG 399 Senior Research Seminar, winter term of the senior year
  • RELG 400 Integrative Exercise 3 credits
    • Class of 2026 and onward: one credit in the fall term of the senior year, and two credits in the spring term of the senior year
    • Class of 2025: either the above plan, or 3 credits in the spring term of the senior year
  • 12 credits of 300-level seminars except RELG 300, RELG 359 or RELG 399
  • Breadth requirement
    • Two 100-level survey courses numbered between 120-170
  • Depth requirement
    • A minimum of two courses (12 credits) that are focused on the same tradition or region of the world

Other notes:

  • Religion 100s (A & I Seminars) count toward the religion major.
  • No cap on number of Religion Pertinent courses from other departments that can count toward the religion major.
  • Courses taken for the Breadth and Depth requirements can be double-dipped, and such courses could also be used for another requirement in the major if applicable.