How to use these forms

Certain courses require that you fill out additional forms once you have registered. Please select these forms from the list below using the paperless, online option if it is available.

The links on this page are to the digital versions and PDF versions.

For the Digital versions, simply enter your information and submit. The process will be paperless and routed to the appropriate parties from there.

If you use the PDF forms, you’ll fill out the form on the screen, and then print them out. Some forms require obtaining various signatures first. Once you have those signatures, email the final copy to the Registrar’s Office (

Registration Forms

FormUse For
Change Request FormChanging a 1st or 2nd 5 Week course registration; changing a course level; requesting a waiver for a course conflict; requesting a course section change; requesting to do comps as a Junior double major.
Special Student Registration FormRegistration for: faculty or staff members or their spouse/partners; language assistants; Northfield High School honor students; Alumni; and International Exchange Students.
Off Campus Studies FormForm to apply OCS credits toward requirements.
Carleton/St. Olaf Inter-registration FormFor students who want to Inter-Register a course at St. Olaf College
Proxy Registration FormStudents who are off-campus and who will not have internet access during registration can elect to have the Registrar's Office to act as a proxy and register for them via the following electronic form.

Independent Study, Reading, and Directed Research

FormUse For
Independent Study/Reading/Research formProposing an independent project that is distinct from department-specific student/faculty research.
Directed Research Form Proposing a research project related to a faculty member’s research interests, and directed by that faculty member.

Petition Forms

Online FormUse For
Petition to OverloadPetitioning to enroll in more than 22 credits
Petition for a Double MajorPetitioning to add a second major.
Petition for Exception to an Academic Policy (General ASC Petition)Petitioning for an exception to an academic policy.
Request to Accelerate GraduationPetitioning to graduate before the end of your twelfth term.
Leave Change FormPetitioning to shift the term you are required to take a leave because of a summer OCS program.
Special Major PetitionIf your educational goals cannot be fulfilled within a standard major, an alternative may be a special program of study

Forms are available on the Dean of Students website for:

  • Leave of Absence
  • Withdrawal