These deadlines are crucial; faculty must contact the Registrar in advance if they believe they will have difficulty meeting them.

TermDue DateTime

Fall 2024

Wednesday, December 4

8:30 a.m.

Winter 2025

Monday, March 24

8:30 a.m.

Spring 2025

Seniors: Wednesday, June 11

All other students: Wednesday, June 18

8:30 a.m.

8:30 a.m.

Faculty are required to enter their grades in Workday.

Entering your Grades in Workday

Grade Submission Guidelines

  • While faculty members may establish earlier deadlines for the work in their courses, students are to have all work completed for a course not later than the end of the official examination schedule for the term. Late work is not to be graded. Refer to our Campus Handbook: End of Term Deadlines policy for more information.
  • Work may extend beyond the end of the exam schedule only if an “EX1” or “EX3” grade has been approved by Trey Williams, Sindy Fleming or Cathy Carlson, the Associate Deans of Students, or David Liben Nowell, Associate Provost. For further information regarding “EXT” grades, please refer to the Campus Handbook: Extension policy.
  • Instructors must submit a grade for each student.
  • If you have a Comps section listed as one of your classes, please do not record any grades for this 400 course. Department chairs submit grades for integrative exercises via a paper process.
  • If you are entering grades for an Off Campus Studies program, you will see a course section for the OCP Header course. You can ignore this course section when entering your grades. The Registrar’s Office will enter a grade of OCP for each student enrolled in the OCP Header course section.
  • Permissible grades are as follows:
    • Graded courses: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F
    • Ungraded courses (“Scrunch”): S (A – C-), CR (D+ – D-), NC (F)
  • If a student has opted for S*/Cr*/NC*, enter the letter grade that the student earned. Workday will convert it to the S*/Cr*/NC grade. You will continue to see the letter grade on your roster, however the student’s academic history and transcript will show the S*/Cr*/NC* grade.
  • Leaving a grade blank is not an option. “X” and “DRP” grades are also not instructor options.
  • Remember to assign a last date of attendance to indicate that a student never attended if you assign a grade of F or NC. If the student attended the entire class, enter the date of your final exam or last day of class.

Finishing Up

After entering all of your grades for the class in question, review them and click “submit.”

Reviewing your Grades

You can verify that your grades have been submitted through the Assign Student Grades for Student Course Section  in Workday by selecting the course section you want to verify. Confirm that you are unable to update the grade field. If you are able to change the grade field, the grade has not been submitted.

As always, you are welcome to call the Registrar’s Office at X4289 with questions.