Looking for someone to help you work with numbers? Click on each tutor to see their specialties. To connect with a tutor, check the schedule on the What We Help With page or email them!

Spring Comps Consultants

Photo of Natalie Bax
Natalie Bax ’24

Hometown: Sierra Madre, CA

Major: Statistics Minor: Spanish

Shortlist of Skills/Software/Languages: statistics, economics, intro STEM courses, working with data, Sheets, R/RStudio, basic Excel, LaTeX, Java, Python

Photo of Ben Griesel
Ben Griesel ’24

Hometown: Bloomington, MN

Major: Statistics

Shortlist of Skills/Software/Languages: mathematics, statistics, working with data, Excel, Sheets, R/RStudio, LaTeX, Python

Spring Tutors

Photo of Kamran Ahmed
Kamran Ahmed ’26

Hometown: Portland, Oregon

Major: Economics

Shortlist of Skills/Software/Languages: graphs, intro STEM courses, Sheets, Excel, Python, basic Mathematica

Photo of Lydia Bacigalupo
Lydia Bacigalupo ’26

Hometown: Duluth, MN

Major: Statistics Minor: Public Policy

Shortlist of Skills/Software/Languages: graphs, writing about numbers, working with data, Sheets, basic R/RStudio

Photo of Julia Bartlett
Julia Bartlett ’26

Hometown: Middlebury, Vermont

Major: Economics Minor: Math

Shortlist of Skills/Software/Languages: statistics, economics, working with data, Sheets, basic Excel

Photo of Batmend Batsaikhan
Batmend Batsaikhan ’24

Hometown: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Major: Computer Science

Shortlist of Skills/Software/Languages: statistics, working with data, Sheets, R/RStudio, LaTeX, C++, Javascript, basic Excel, Java, Python

Photo of Billy Bratton
Billy Bratton ’25

Hometown:  Buffalo Grove, Ill

Major: Statistics

Shortlist of Skills/Software/Languages: statistics, economics, working with data, Sheets, R/RStudio, Java, Python and Mathematica

Photo of Dylan Fox-Arnold
Dylan Fox-Arnold ’25

Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Major: Political Science + International Relations Minor: European Studies

Shortlist of Skills/Software/Languages: writing about numbers, basic Sheets, Excel, R/RStudio


Photo of Caroline Lee
Caroline Lee ’24

Hometown: Portland, OR

Major: Biology Minor: Biochemistry & Japanese

Shortlist of Skills/Software/Languages: statistics, working with data, intro STEM courses, Excel, Sheets, basic R/RStudio, LaTeX, Python

If you have a specific project you would like the DataSquad to help with, please contact Paula Lackie.