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Public Works Out & About
Check out these pieces about the good work our grantees are doing!
Kelly Connole & Susannah Ottaway among recipients of 2021 MN Campus Compact awards
“Carleton students, faculty and alumni among recipients of the 2021 Campus Compact awards”
Carleton News, June 9, 2021
Alex Knodell Publishes Open Access Book, “Societies in Transition in Early Greece: An Archaeological History”
“Kudos: Alex Knodell”
Carleton Weekly, May 31, 2021
Prevent common garden insects before they cause problems with Eleanor Jensen’s Cropping Calendar
“Prevent common garden insects before they cause problems”
Voice of Alexandria, May 20, 2021
Cecilia Cornejo’s Community quilt blends residents’ voices and needlework
“Community quilt blends residents’ voices and needlework”
Northfield News, May 14, 2021
Eleanor Jensen’s Cropping Calendar: Prevent common garden insects before they cause problems
“Prevent common garden insects before they cause problems”
University of Minnesota Extension News, May 5, 2021
Professors Michael McNally and Shana Sippy collaborate with TPT to present “Sacred Minnesota,” a series of four documentary shorts
“Professors Michael McNally and Shana Sippy collaborate with Twin Cities Public Television to present “Sacred Minnesota,” a series of four documentary shorts”
Carleton News, April 8, 2021
Michael McNally is recipient of a Luce/ACLS Fellowship in Religion, Journalism & International Affairs
“Michael McNally is recipient of a Luce/ACLS Fellowship in Religion, Journalism & International Affairs”
Carleton College Grants Office News, March 23, 2021
Kudos to Alex Knodell: Article published on SCIP
“Kudos: Alex Knodell”
Carleton Weekly, October 12, 2020
Kudos to Cecilia Cornejo: Rural Arts Anti-Racism Meetup
“Kudos: Cecilia Cornejo”
Carleton Weekly, October 12, 2020
Blog Post: Carleton Covid-19 Archive
“Archiving COVID-19: An Undergraduate Public History Project”
Elias Levey-Swain ’20 & McLain Sidmore ’20
History @ Work, National Council on Public History, October 5, 2020
Susannah Ottaway presentation on Carleton Covid-19 archive
“TCART October forum on COVID-19 and Social Justice”
Twin Cities Archives Round Table, September 29, 2020
Broom Public Scholarship releases documentary on the League of Women Voters
“Broom Public Scholarship releases documentary in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the League of Women Voters”
Carleton News, September 8, 2020
Blog Post: Public Works Transforming Connection to Place
“Transforming Connection to Place”
Humanities for All Blog, August 25, 2020
Interview with Palmar Álvarez-Blanco
(In Catalan)
“Palmar Álvarez-Blanco: ‘Hi ha un fil vermell que connecta la lluita per la terra, el pa i el treball’”
Nexe, May 18, 2020
Kelly Connole’s Virtual Empty Bowls
“Carleton Ceramics’ 16th annual Empty Bowls event to be held virtually”
Carleton News, May 14, 2020
Eyewitness to history: documenting the pandemic
“You’re witnessing history: Minnesota historians need your help to document the pandemic as it happens”
Star Tribune, May 12, 2020
Podcast: Finding the Hidden Families behind the Boston Massacre with Serena Zabin
“Finding the Hidden Families behind the Boston Massacre with Serena Zabin”
Conversations at the Washington Library, May 6, 2020
Carleton community asked to contribute to COVID-19 archive
“Carleton community asked to contribute to COVID-19 archive”
Carleton News, April 29, 2020
Constellating the Commons
(In Spanish)
“Constelando a los Comunes”
Amalio Rey Blog, April 15, 2020
Thabiti Willis receives prestigious Mellon New Directions Fellowship
“Thabiti Willis receives prestigious Mellon New Directions Fellowship to unearth new understanding of the histories of Indian Gulf communities”
Carleton College Grants Office News, April 10, 2020
Q&A with Author Serena Zabin
“A Q&A with with Serena Zabin, author of ‘The Boston Massacre: A Family History’”
The Christian Science Monitor, April 7, 2020
Michael McNally: A Court Win for Standing Rock
“A Court Win for Standing Rock Gives New Life to Defenders of Sacred Land”
Religion News Service, April 1, 2020
Reflections on Home, from Mexico to Northfield
“From Mexico to Northfield, MN: New film reflects on meaning of ‘home’”
MPR, March 20, 2020
Kudos to Kelly Connole & Susannah Ottaway: “Breaking Through the Carleton Bubble”
“Kudos: Kelly Connole and Susannah Ottaway”
Carleton Weekly, March 9, 2020
Serena Zabin at Newport Historical Society
“Newport Historical Society to host talk with Professor Serena Zabin, author of ‘The Boston Massacre: A Family History’”
What’s Up Newport, March 6, 2020
Kudos to Andrea Mazzariello and Laska Jimsen: Mellon Periclean Faculty Leadership Program in the Humanities
“Kudos: Andrea Mazzariello and Laska Jimsen”
Carleton Weekly, March 2, 2020
“‘The Boston Massacre’ Review: Colonial Boston’s Civil War”
“‘The Boston Massacre’ Review: Colonial Boston’s Civil War”
Wall Street Journal, February 28, 2020
Serena Zabin “Finds Women, Children, and ‘Family History’ at the Boston Massacre”
“A Historian Finds Women, Children, and ‘Family History’ at the Boston Massacre”
The Boston Globe, February 27, 2020
Serena Zabin & the Boston Massacre’s “Human Element”
“Carleton College researcher uncovers the Boston Massacre’s human element”
MPR, February 20, 2020
Review of Serena Zabin’s “The Boston Massacre”
“Review: ‘The Boston Massacre,’ by Serena Zabin”
Star Tribune, February 14, 2020
Palmar Álvarez-Blanco’s “Constelación del Común”: 45 iniciativas que ponen la vida en común en el centro
(In Spanish)
“Constelación del Común: 45 iniciativas que ponen la vida en común en el centro”
El Salto, Feburary 2, 2020
Cecilia Cornejo to Present Documentary in Lanesboro
“Artist Returning to Present Findings of Lanesboro Documentary Project”
Bluff County News, January 29, 2020
Kudos to Palmar Álvarez-Blanco: The Constellation of the Commons
“Kudos: Palmar Álvarez-Blanco”
Carleton Weekly, January 20, 2020
Cecilia Cornejo a Recipient of the 2020 McKnight Fellowships for Community-Engaged Artists
“McKnight Community-Engaged Artist Fellowships”
Pillsbury House and Theater, January 20, 2020
Cecilia Cornejo awarded McKnight Fellowship for Community-Engaged Artists
“McKnight Fellowship for Community-Engaged Artists awarded to Cecilia Cornejo”
Carleton College Grants Office News, January 20, 2020
About Palmar Álvarez-Blanco’s “Constellation of the Commons”
“Sobre ‘La Constelación de los Comunes'”
CTXT, December 23, 2019
Palmar Álvarez-Blanco: Hacia un nuevo sentido común
(In Spanish)
“Hacia un nuevo sentido común”
El Diario, December 21, 2019
Laska Jimsen and Andrea Mazzariello named to The Mellon Periclean Faculty Leadership Program in the Humanities
“Jimsen and Mazzariello design courses that incorporate community-based projects”
Carleton College Grants Office News, December 17, 2019
The Panel Story Local News Story
(In Czech)
“Paměti tří paneláků”
Vysílání, November 28, 2019
The Panel Story Exhibit
(In Czech)
“Jindřicha Štreita: Paměti tří paneláků: život jedné komunity”
Kupe Art Gallery, November 21, 2019 – December 4, 2019
The Wandering House: Home Recordings
“Home Recordings”
Carleton Voice, Fall 2019
Build Your Own Character with 2Fik
“Build Your Own Character with 2Fik Workshop”
Northfield Arts Guild, September 28, 2019
The Wandering House: Meditations on Home and Belonging
“Meditations on home and belonging”
507 Magazine, September 26, 2019
Cecilia Cornejo: Artist-in-Residence in Lanesboro
“Cecilia Cornejo – Lanesboro Arts”
September & October 2019
The Wandering House at Riverwalk Market Fair
“‘The Wandering House’ mobile recording studio to stop at Riverwalk Market Fair”
Northfield News, June 25, 2019
15th Annual Empty Bowls
“15th Annual Empty Bowls Supports Local Food Shelf”
Carleton News, May 15, 2019
Theater of Public Policy Artist-in-Residence
“Theater of Public Policy: Artist-in-Residence covers multiple dimensions of public policy and health issues”
Carleton News, April 4, 2019
Fred Hagstrom at the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art
“Art Talks: Fred Hagstrom”
Bainbridge Island Art Museum, March 31, 2019
Deborah Appleman at the Literary Research Association Annual Conference
“Town Hall Session – Literacy as Liberatory Practice: Reflections on Incarceration and Transformative Education with Community Partners”
Literary Research Association Annual Conference, November 30, 2018
2Fik’s 2018 Residency
“Multidisciplinary artist 2Fik comes to Northfield for a residency and series of performance events”
Carleton News, October 11, 2018
Bringing History to Life Through Dance: “Icon Sam: Temple Dances” Review
“Sally Rousse brings HCA’s history (freemasons! bingo parlors! Prince!) to life”
City Pages, June 15, 2018
Dance, Architecture, and History: “Icon Sam: Temple Dances” Review
“Dance show tackles architecture, history and ‘negative feelings’ about Cowles Center”
Star Tribune, June 9, 2018
Cecilia Cornejo Asks “What is Home?”
“Upcoming documentary, audio project asks ‘What is home?'”
Northfield News, March 30, 2018
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