Victoria Morse, Professor of History
Professor Victoria Morse worked with Aubrey Rawles ‘21 during summer 2020 to revise an online repository of sources on the Crusades. Professor Morse taught a course on the Crusades during Winter Term 2020, and students were asked to select a visual or textual primary source that reflected the perspectives of those who were “crusaded against.” Using recent scholarship, students wrote descriptions on the meaning and significance of these sources, now stored in an Omeka site. These perspectives are woefully underrepresented in teaching and learning about the Crusades. Over the summer, Professor Morse and Rawles explored how these important sources could be shared with a broader audience, potentially including high school students and interested members of the public. They focused their work on reviewing the existing content for quality and consistency and Rawles developed a style guide for future entries. Rawles also researched how the content might be relevant to high school history courses. Moving forward, Professor Morse plans to continue revising the site’s content and working with potential site users to understand how to further develop materials and presentation. Through this digital scholarship project, Professor Morse hopes to expand access to diverse perspectives on the Crusades.