Oct 21
Prairies and Potholes Exhibition
Director of the Arboretum Nancy Braker and Visiting Professor in Studio Arts Eleanor Jensen led this exciting opportunity to connect to the natural world, colleagues, and community members through a six-week program based on MN Master Naturalist course. Laurie Hougen-Eitzman and Jim Platt were also contributing Master Naturalists and program teachers.
In addition to the Prairie and Potholes curriculum, this course utilized drawing, nature writing, and other creative projects to explore the knowledge of Carleton faculty, staff, and local experts. With a requirement for 40 hours of contact time, the class met twice each week from September to October. The final session includes a reception from 5-7 pm at the Northfield Arts Guild to celebrate the creative work in the course’s capstone projects.
Group Presentations starting at 5:30 pm
Faculty/Staff Presenting:
Peter Balaam
Kelly Connole
Heidi Eyestone
Laska Jimsen
Meredith McCoy
Susan Jaret McKinstry
Danny Saathoff
Anna Schumacher
Christopher Tassava
Andrea Van Engelenhoven
Erica Zweifel
Northfield Arts Guild
304 Division Street South
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