Faculty wishing to apply for a Small FDE grant of up to $4,000 to support scholarly activities more modest in scope than those envisaged for large FDE grants may write directly to the Provost. Although smaller in size, and hence particularly appropriate for people starting a new project or exploring a new subject, these awards also look to the achievement of a visible scholarly or creative outcome. Applications for a discretionary grant from the Faculty Development Endowment may be made for the same purposes as for large grants, but ordinary typing, convention trips, and work on new courses will not normally be deemed appropriate. Funds may be requested to support book manuscript workshops. Support for student research assistants may also be requested, though there are also special funds to support student research assistants. Stipends for time when the College is not in session may be requested at $1,000 a week, but will not normally be awarded for work that is considered an expected, normal part of faculty duties. Requests for funds to cover expenses (travel, materials, research assistance, etc.) will be given priority.
A formal letter of application not exceeding three single-spaced pages should describe the project and explain its contributions to the applicant’s scholarly or professional goals and the timeliness of a small grant at this time. A detailed budget should accompany it. Stipends, if awarded, will be taxable. Proposals will be evaluated by the Provost.
You must also submit an Internal Grant Application Cover Sheet. The deadline for Small FDE applications is September 13, 2024.