The Committee for Effective Learning Technologies (CELT) is charged with ensuring that Carleton remains smart and nimble in responding to changes in technology and technology-enhanced pedagogies. To that end, CELT invites proposals to fund projects that address this broad goal. Specifically, CELT seeks proposals for funding in the areas indicated below.
Expanding existing efforts in CELT priority areas, these proposals might focus on…
- Designing assignments that work creatively or critically with the AI- or machine-learning-based tools that assist in writing, coding, creating art and music, etc.
- Exploring the use of e-portfolios in courses, programs, or departments, including e-portfolios focused on co-curricular learning.
- Using technologies to provide effective and efficient feedback to students
- Fostering opportunities for technology to enhance integrative and connected learning
- Creating online modules in support of a flipped classroom approach, or for developing a specific skill or content area for students of varied backgrounds and preparation, using Universal Design for Learning principles. Note: these efforts might be course-specific, but they may also be informed by a larger department/program’s IDE plan.
If you have ideas for teaching with emerging technologies, please consult with Wiebke Kuhn or Austin Mason about the availability of support for your interests.
Projects are eligible for up to $4,000 of support, which may be used to fund faculty stipends up to $1,000 per week, to pay student workers to assist in the production of materials, to fund pertinent workshops, to consult with experts in the proposed areas–or combinations of these funding types. Collaborative projects involving more than one faculty member may be eligible for more than $4,000 of support. Please note that CELT cannot provide funds for hardware or software purchases nor funds to support non-Carleton faculty for course development work though those faculty can attend workshops and related activities. CELT is happy to help facilitate discussions between grant recipients and Academic Technology staff regarding hardware and software issues, and applicants are strongly encouraged to consult the Director of Academic Technology in preparing their proposals.
Project work may be planned for any time during 2024, including summer or winter breaks and should include a budget and a timeline for completion or implementation of the proposed project. The proposal should explicitly identify how the work might be relevant to other faculty or courses. While awards are typically for a certain number of weeks of summer or break work, funding for workshops or other activities is also possible.
The proposal deadline is February 9, 2024. Proposals should be specific about the goals of the project, and all proposals should include preliminary ideas for assessment of the project. To apply, please submit a description of your proposed project using the Grant Application Cover Sheet for Curricular Grants.