Requests for Financial Support

The Office of the Provost can help to support a variety of research and curricular projects. If you have a need that does not fit into one of the categories below, email Associate Provost Eric Egge with a description of your request.

Visiting Speakers

There are a number of funds managed by the Office of the Provost for supporting visiting speakers. The various types of funds are listed below. To request support, please complete the visiting speaker fund request form, where you can select the funding source(s) that you believe best fit your request.

  • Galusha Fund – This fund is primarily used for the distinguished visitor in residence program. These visitors are on campus for at least a few days, and sometimes for several weeks.  They often teach a short course or part of someone else’s course, and usually give a public lecture.
  • Bigelow Teacher in Residence Fund – This is for a visitor with a background in business, industry, government and other professions, as well as academia, to fill gaps not covered by current faculty. These visitors can be for one or more weeks.
  • Class of ’57 Fund – This is to support a visiting scholar who can bring outside perspective to Carleton students and faculty, and incorporate an interdisciplinary approach to the liberal arts into their scholarship.
  • Visiting Scholars – This is to support visits from scholars that do not meet the criteria of the endowed funds described above.

Class Field Trips

Requests to support class field trips should be made by email to the Associate Provost. Please include the course name, the purpose of the trip, the number of students, the estimated cost of the trip, and the amount of support provided by your department.

Faculty and Staff Travel

The Office of the Provost supports professional development through the Headley Travel Fund. More information about this fund can be found in the Campus Handbook. To apply for travel funds, please complete the on-line travel fund request form.

Student Research Assistants

Faculty wishing to hire a student research assistant to help with a particular project can submit a Request to Support Research Assistants to fund up to 160 student work hours. This fund is intended to primarily benefit the faculty member and facilitate the progress of their research. If you hire a student to work for you as a research assistant, you are not eligible for a summer mentoring stipend. Faculty who wish to mentor a student to make an original contribution to the faculty member’s research or creative project should pursue funding through the Student Research Partners link below. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.

Student Research Partners

Faculty wishing to engage students as partners in their research or creative projects can apply for funding to support students during summer or winter break. In order to receive this funding, faculty members must commit to carefully mentor students during this time, so that students develop the capacity for independent research. The collaboration should enable the student to make an original contribution to the faculty member’s research or creative project. Such projects should also involve regular, substantive faculty-student contact.