Faculty and Staff: Please answer all of the questions below and click the submit button at the bottom of the form when you are finished. Your request will be forwarded to Eric Egge for approval/denial.
Emeriti: In order to apply for funding, please go to Information For and About Emeriti Faculty, in yellow on the left side of this screen, and then click on Forms and then Fund Request Form. Your request will be forwarded to Eric Egge for approval/denial.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Tori Perez at x4301.
If your request is approved, you will receive an e-mail stating the amount that has been approved. Requests are generally not funded at 100%; it will depend on the availability of funds and the amount of the request.
If your request is denied, you will receive an e-mail stating the reason for the denial.
Please indicate if you have a Faculty Development Account (FDA). If so, the approved amount will be deposited into this account.
If you do not have a FDA or a Carleton Visa card, you will need to pay with personal funds and be reimbursed. In order to be reimbursed you will need to submit an out-of-pocket expense in Workday and upload your receipt(s) upon the conclusion of your trip. When you are notified about the award the Associate Provost’s office will provide you with the correct Cost Center to use for submitting your out-of-pocket expense(s) in Workday. Cash advances are also available (see form on the Business Office Web site).
All reimbursements for current faculty and staff will be paid via e-checks and directly deposited into your bank account. If you haven’t done so already, please sign up for e-checks on the HUB by clicking on Direct Deposit Bank Account (Non-payroll).
Note: Any public product created with the assistance of this grant should acknowledge Carleton College as a contributor.
Authorizations expire at the end of each academic year. Balances are not carried into the succeeding year unless approved by the Associate Provost.
If funds are deposited into your FDA and your trip doesn’t materialize, please let us know so the funds can be returned to our budgets. Returning unused funds will enable us to fund other requests.