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Monday, January 20, 2025


Viewing Historical Grades in Workday

Historical Grades are now available in Workday under the My Teaching app. This report combines data from both Workday and the HUB, and replaces the historical grades report on the HUB. Please review the Historical Grades guide for more information.

Review Your Rosters!

Please do a final double-check to ensure your class rosters are accurate and reflect what you expect. Now is the time to have students reach out to the Registrar’s Office with any questions or concerns about registration errors. You can view your current class rosters in Workday by navigating to your Profile, clicking on the My Teaching app, selecting Carleton Class Roster and filtering to your assigned sections in the current term (a step-by-step guide is also available online).

Career Center Upcoming Activities & Initiatives

Every Monday morning during the term, the Career Center sends out an e-newsletter geared toward students. It includes a feature on a career development topic, upcoming events for the week, and job and internship deadlines. If you wish to receive this weekly email, visit the Google Group link and click on the Ask to join group button.


Resources for your Advisees at the Writing Center and QRC

The Writing Center and Quantitative Resource Center (QRC) offer a plethora of resources and programs for our students. Both centers offer regular services such as in-person writing consultationsQRC drop-in tutoring (Sun-Thu 4-10 p.m.), comps appointments, and QRC comps consultations for advanced statistics and coding support. 

Do you have an advisee who has expressed anxiety about writing? Talk to them about the Term-Long Program which pairs them with one of the writing consultants for an entire term. Students must apply and are then assigned to meet with a consultant one or two hours a week (or 8-10 hours per term).

Please share with your advisees information about the many resources these centers offer.

Sophomore Writing Portfolios

Sophomores should be talking to their advisers about their plans for the writing portfolios. For more on the writing portfolio and how to prepare it, see the guidelines on the Writing Across the Curriculum website. Make sure that your sophomore advisees understand the requirements and have run through the FAQs. You may find the Sophomore Portfolios video presentation especially useful for you and for your students. Additional questions may be directed to Professor George Cusack.

Keep in mind that students’ degree audits do not show that they have completed the writing portfolio until they have their portfolios scored during the summer. Portfolios are due on Friday, February 21 at 4:00 p.m. (the Winter deadline for Class of 2027 students going on OCS in the spring) and Friday, May 16 at 4:00 p.m. (the Spring deadline for the Class of 2027).

Weitz Fellows Program for Graduating Seniors

Do you have senior advisees still looking for an opportunity for next year? The Weitz Fellows Program provides one-year, full-time jobs for nine Carleton grads at nine nonprofit organizations in Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska. Positions are paid, include benefits and funding for professional development, and provide cross-functional, professional experience in all aspects of the fellow’s organization. This is an unparalleled opportunity for anyone interested in beginning a career in advocacy & education, arts & film, law & policy, or nonprofit management. Encourage students to attend the next information session on Thursday, 1/23 from 6:30-8:00pm. They must register through Handshake. Representatives from the Weitz Family Foundation will present an overview of the program, then a member from each organization will provide some insights into their organization’s mission and work. The event will conclude by allowing students to enter breakout rooms with organizations of their choice to learn even more about them.

Carleton-funded Fellowships Application Deadlines

The Office of Student Fellowships sends this courtesy reminder of the following Winter and early Spring Term deadlines as you advise students and field requests for recommendations:

Winter and Spring Term Deadlines

Thank you for your support of fellowship applicants!

Office of Health Promotion Training and Resources

If you missed this term’s advising circle about supporting students’ mental health, please review Patrick Gordon’s presentation slides. The Office of Health Promotion provides numerous opportunities to support both your students’ mental health and your own. We encourage you to explore and sign up for their programs!

Mental Health First Aid

Sign up for a MHFA training for this Winter! The training is a day-long session, and will be held on Midterm Break Monday (Monday, February 10) from 8:30am-5:00pm. For more info and registration, see the MFHA page.

Mindfulness 101

Mindfulness 101 is a 4-session introductory class that will teach you the skill of mindfulness. It will also help you build the habit of using it in your life on a regular basis – both through formal practices (i.e. meditation), or informal mindfulness strategies in your life.

Silent Meditation Mini Retreat

During Midterm break, give yourself some intentional time to be mindful and restful. Join us on Midterm Monday for a Mini Silent Retreat. During the retreat you will engage in a variety of meditation and mindfulness activities between 1pm-5pm. Breaks and snacks will be provided in between activities. The retreat is facilitated by an instructor, and there is no expectation that any participants talk during the retreat. Silence is entirely encouraged to support the mindfulness of the retreat!

Key Advising Dates:

  • Friday, January 24: First Five Week Course Late Drop Deadline and S/CR/NC Deadline, (5:00 p.m.)
  • Thursday, February 6: Last Day First Five Weeks
  • Friday, February 7: First Day Second Five Weeks
  • Friday, February 14: Second Five Week Course Drop/Add Deadline (5:00 p.m.)
  • Monday, February 17: Advising Days (through February 26)
  • Friday, February 21: Ten Week Course Late Drop Deadline and S/CR/NC Deadline (5:00 p.m.)
  • Tuesday, February 25: Registration for Spring Term (through March 24)
  • Friday, February 28: Second Five Week Course Late Drop Deadline and S/CR/NC Deadline (5:00 p.m.)

Advising Quick Links

Grants and Fellowships

MSAB Grants for Creative Individuals

This program from the MN State Arts Board provides support to help individual artists and culture bearers develop or sustain their creative practices and meaningfully engage with Minnesotans. Grantees may use funds (up to $10,000) to support their creative practice and meaningfully connect to and engage with audiences, participants, students, and/or communities during the grant period. Grant periods should fall within calendar year 2026 for proposed projects. If you’re interested in learning more or applying to this program, please reach out to the Grants Office.


Rooted: Integrated Humanities Pedagogy Conference and Workshop

The Rooted Conference and Workshop is organized around the theme of inviting students into integrated humanistic inquiry—the humanities as a way of exploring and evaluating the central experiences and relationships which form and shape human existence. Morningside University invites abstracts of 250–300 words (excluding references) for presentations of around 30 minutes which explore pedagogical approaches and techniques aimed at helping students to engage in integrated humanistic inquiry. Presentations from humanities faculty members as well as other disciplines whose work deeply integrates humanistic inquiry into their courses are welcome. There is special interest in joint presentations between faculty in the humanities and an outside discipline.

To submit an abstract, complete the Google Form by February 1.