Posts tagged with “Voice Articles” (All posts)

  • What’s in a Name?

    11 February 2011

    Great colleges like Carleton are powerful economic engines for their communities. But they should also be intellectual and cultural magnets. The Weitz Center for Creativity will enable us to play that role more effectively.

  • Game Change

    8 November 2010

    Position: Goaltender. Team: Carleton College. Uniform: Navy-blue suit, white shirt, maize-and-blue-striped tie. Honors: MVP, Carleton presidential search committee. Meet newly inaugurated president Steven Poskanzer.

  • Committed to Carleton

    3 November 2010

    What is it about this place that has captured my heart? I knew, even before I was approached about this position, that Carleton is academically superb and has a nonnegotiable commitment to excellence in the liberal arts.
