May 2

MD/PhD Alumni panel

Thu, May 2, 2024 • 7:00pm - 8:00pm (1h) • Olin 141

Please join us for a Panel of alumni at different stages of the MD/PhD pathway. Three Carls will share their insights and experiences in pursuing a career as a physician-scientist. The panelists are Sarah "Sadie" Meller '11, MD/PhD Yale; Henock Befekadu '21; MD/Phd Candidate Case Western Reserve; Nikko Baer '20; MD/PhD candidate Columbia U. Vagelos College of P&S.

Don't miss this opportunity to explore the possibilities of the MD/PhD pathway!

Pizza will be served.Please RSVP here.

Event Contact: Jemsy Mathew

Event Summary

MD/PhD Alumni panel

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