Jan 30

Pre-Health Association Public Health Seminar Series, part 4: "The Two Loops Model: Enacting Meaningful Change at the Edge of our Culture"

Tue, January 30, 2024 • 5:15pm - 6:00pm (45m) • Anderson 121

Join us this Tuesday at 5:15 pm in Anderson 121 (not Olin 141), January 30th for the continuation of the Public Health Seminar Series! Out of the previous topics, this topic is one of the most generalizable to other fields! We will be diving into Part 4:

"The Two Loops Model: Enacting Meaningful Change At The Edge Of Our Culture"

On the Agenda for Tuesday is:

  • Conceptual overview of the Two Loops Model
  • Utilizing the Two Loops Model at a personal, organizational, and societal scale
  • No Powerpoint Presentation! Increased involvement and moving around!
Don't miss out on engaging discussions and complimentary dinner! Please RSVP for dinner by Monday evening. Questions? Contact Acacia (cokera@) or Ian (scotti2@).
Event Contact: Pam Middleton

Event Summary

Pre-Health Association Public Health Seminar Series, part 4: "The Two Loops Model: Enacting Meaningful Change at the Edge of our Culture"
  • Intended For: Students
  • Categories: Lecture/Panel, Info Session/Fair, food offered

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