“Late Night Comedy and Political Participation” Sam Sauerhaft ’19
“Evolving Equality: Gender Quotas, Female Parliamentary Representation & Peace” Elyse Wanzenreid ’19
“Examining Possible Outcomes of the D15 Diversity Plan in Brooklyn, New York” Anna Gergeley ’19
“Islamic Political Parties in the Middle East during Transitions to Democracy” Sam Reategui ’19
“Economic Inequality as a Predictor of Coups d’Etat” Sylvie Hauser ’19
“Running the Trains on Time” Calypso Leonard ’19
“Locke & Rousseau: The Moral Foundations and Implications of Private Property” Jonathan Dahlsten ’19
“How Rural and White Working Class Resentment Made Trump President” Charles Lutvak ’19
“Lessons for Regulation of the Offshore Financial Industry by Middle Powers” Nick Caputo ’19
“Evaluating Legal & Political Sustainability of School Desegregation Efforts” Meredith Bergman ’19
“Security Sector Reform in Transitioning States” Sam Schnirring ’19
“Equalizing Opportunity or Exacerbating Inequality?” Mara Blumenstein ’19
“The Liberalism of American Jews,” Jacob Forman ’19