Class of 1990

Christian Johnson, e-mail

Hello to all; after leaving Carleton I went on to Japan where I taught junior high English for one year. I then entered the law school at NYU, finishing my degree in 1994 and since then practicing at two different firms, focusing in general corporate work and mergers and acquisitions. I’m now in the process of deciding (as many lawyers do) to move on; there’s quite a bit to like about law, but even more not to like about working for law firms. (Often lawyers describe our decision to go to law school as “ill-advised,” but in my case it’s more accurate to say “advised-strongly-against”- – right, Dr. Schier?” Life otherwise is good. I live in Chelsea, New York City, and I don’t think I’d want to live anywhere else; I miss New York whenever I’m gone for more than a few days. I’m planning to be at reunion, hope lots of folks are planning to go. Cheers! 3/9/00

Allison Keeley, e-mail:
Villanova University

Just completed my first year as the head volleyball coach at Villanova. Loving the east coast and the quality student-athletes at VU. 8/19/02

Max Keller, e-mail
Minnesota Attorney General’s Office

Graduated from American University Law School in DC in 1997, served as law clerk for Minnesota Court of Appeals for one year, have been attorney with Minnesota Attorney General’s Office for last three and a half years in St. Paul. 1/27/02

Jim McCorkell, e-mail
City Year, Inc.

I just received my Masters in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. I began work at City Year in Boston in July. City Year is a national nonprofit organization that asks young people 17-24 to commit to one year of public service. I’m managing strategic organization development as City Year grows from eleven sites in 1999 to twenty by 2004. 9/99

Class of 1991

Morgan Brown, e-mail:
Partnership for Choice in Education

After six years in Washington, DC, my wife (Susan Mullins Brown, ’91) and I returned to Minnesota in 1997. We have two sons, Ian (age 2) and Conor (4 months). Since January of this year, I have been working as executive director of Partnership for Choice in Education, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping Minnesota families use the state’s unique education tax credit/deduction program. If you’re interested in this program, please call or e-mail me. Work: 651-293-9196. 8/1/99

Seth Brown, e-mail
America Online, Inc.

I left law firm practice to join America Online in January, ’01, where I focus on intellectual property matters in the company’s legal department. More importantly, Rosanna Esposito and I got engaged in October, 2000! 4/17/01

Gregg Lagerquist & Leslie (Perry) Lagerquist

Well, the obvious news is that Gregg and I got married in August ’97 here in Portland, Maine, an unexpected result from when we started dating about the time Comps were due senior year. Gregg is busy planning with Ned & Neraj a Carleton Geneva program: 10-year reunion in Switzerland (with other Carls Ned Moodie ’40 and Neraj Chepur ’91) for this August. Hartley Clark has agreed to com lead the group again. (We’ll send pictures and story.) Gregg went to journalism school (Medill) and now is a television news anchor and reporter (WGME Channel 13, CBS affiliate). He covers the state and local politics as a reporter. Actually he’ll be in D.C. in Feb. covering the National Governors’ Conference where Maine’s independent governor, Angus King, will meet Jesse of Minnesota for the first time (only 2 independent governors in U.S.). I’m in marketing for a software mapping company that I hope will go into international markets this year ( for those interested). 2/99

Lani Williams, e-mail
International Municipal Lawyers Association

I have left the private practice of law to work for an association that assists local government lawyers in litigation, ordinance drafting and a myriad of other activities. I (and my husband) am glad to have a life again–working a glorious 35 hours a week (though the non-profit salary is way behind law firm wages–oh, well). Any Carls doing government work should call (301-283-0647) or write. 8/14/00

Class of 1992

Rob Boatright, e-mail
American Political Science Association

I successfully defended my dissertation in political science at the University of Chicago this summer. It’s on the campaign strategies of congressional challengers. I received plenty of help from Steve Schier and from Catherine and Michael Zuckert along the way. I’ll spend the coming year in Washington as an American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow, doing research on Congress (sort of like the Carleton in Washington Seminar for Ph.D.’s). I’ll also be working on getting my dissertation published and finding a teaching job–hopefully I’ll be lucky enough to wind up at a school as good as Carleton! 9/99

Aaron Dorfman, e-mail
People Acting for Community Together (PACT), Miami, Florida

Since graduation, I have spent the past seven years involved in grassroots community organizing. I work with low and moderate income folks and we organize direct action campaigns for social and economic justice. I spent 5 years working with ACORN, mostly in Minneapolis/St. Paul, and for the past two years I’ve been in Miami with People Acting for Community Together (PACT). The membership of PACT is incredibly diverse, and our large public actions are held in three languages (English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole). Our organization has pushed for reforms in the public school system, combated red-lining of low income neighborhoods by banks, and insisted upon better city services in poor communities. It was Professor Paul Wellstone (before he became Senator Wellstone) who encouraged me to become a community organizer, and I’m glad he did. 3/22/99

Todd Ellwein, e-mail:
Westhill University, Mexico City

Congratulations to the Political Science Department for hiring a superb scholar and teacher in Prof. Al Montero. Al was always the lively and interesting TA in an International Political Economy course I took at Columbia University. I received my Masters in International Affairs from Columbia in May, 1997. I am currently Vice-President for institutional Research and Student Affairs at Westhill University, a new (1996) university in Mexico City. I am also teaching courses in U.S. Government, Latin American Politics, and Macroeconomics this year. 1/8/99

Class of 1993

Gregory Boyle, e-mail
Jenner & Block, Chicago

I am in my third year as a litigation attorney at Jenner & Block in Chicago, after three great years in law school at Harvard. I am glad to have fulfilled Professor Roy Grow’s prediction at the Political Science banquet my senior year that I would end up involved with the law on one side or another. 2/28/00

Betsy Currie

I completed my MA in Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota Humphrey Institute in June 1998. My concentrations were in Management and Policy Analysis. Now I’ll hopefully be putting all my education to good use as a Presidential Management Intern for the federal government. (And, yes, it’s a different program than the one Monica Lewinsky did!) I’ll be a Budget Analyst at the Department of Commerce in the Systems & Policy Division.

Look me up if you are in Washington, D.C.! 1998

Ian Morgan, e-mail

Warburg Pincus

After spending far too long experiencing Eastern European squalor and anarchy first hand, I went back to grad school for an MBA/MA. I finished the degree in ’99 and came to New York City to enjoy the easygoing lifestyle and relaxed pace. I am now working for a private equity fund and enjoying the Big Apple. Best wishes to Norm Vig! 9/02

Tom Warrick, e-mail
University of North Texas

Settled down in the Lone Star State with my better half (Emily Rankin Warrick ’92) for the past 7 years (with a break to teach English in Aguascalientes, Mexico for 6 months). I am currently pursuing my Masters in Spanish at UNT while teaching AP Spanish at Little Elm High School (who would have thought I would be grateful for the Carleton language requirement?). We travel frequently to Mexico and other parts foreign, but are always back in time for rugby season (11 years and still–“ouch”–going). We’re homeowners in Denton now and invite all Carls to stop and spend-a-spell with us! OK, ya’ll? Oh, yeah, I take no blame for George W.; I’m still voting for Bill in Opus. 7/29/00

Class of 1994

Andrew Bove

I am currently studying political philosophy at Boston College. I recently completed my PhD comps, and am in the planning stages, as it were, of a dissertation on politics and education in the philosophy of Hegel. I am hoping to find my way to the other side of the classroom within two or three years.

I look forward to receiving future issues of The Poligon. My best to all the faculty and staff and to Hendrika, if she’s in the neighborhood. 1998

Jason Hannan, e-mail
Office of the Federal Public Defender, Tucson, AZ

Please don’t ever ask how I ended up living in Tucson, Arizona, but it is a great place other than the draconian, federal “political science” being implemented in the area! I love the great weather, hiking, arts, people and laid-back lifestyle of the Old Pueblo…and finally…a job I love too! I am an Assistant Federal Public Defender in the Southern Arizona sector, and represent almost exclusively Mexican citizens, permanent legal residents, etc…charged with immigration and drug-related crimes in federal court. If anyone has interests in this area, wants to know how the feds really conduct their business and mete out justice, or just wants to talk, please contact me! 9/6/00

Minsook Shin, e-mail

Got married on Oct. 7, 2000 to Steve Kim and moved down to Houston, Texas to be with him. I am very happy and enjoying life. 8/21/01

Class of 1995

Amy Venuto
Mandalay Sports Entertainment–Las Vegas Stars
I am working in Sales for the AAA affiliate of the San Diego Padres. in the process of learning managerial skills and creating more programs and implement current programs to envelop and help the youths in the community. My job is also to incorporate our team as a marketing tool for businesses in the community. The Las Vegas Stars host the Triple-A World Series each September.

My daughter, Alexandra, turns 4 in October.

In Las Vegas, we’re still celebrating Oscar Goodman as our mayor. 8/1/99

Peggy W. Wu, e-mail
Rush Medical College, Chicago

Just moved from New York back to Chicago to attend med school at Rush Medical College. Was working for the New York Academy of Sciences in the Education Department for the past year. 9/99

Class of 1996

Cristina Baker, e-mail
University of Minnesota Medical School

I am in my final year of medical school at the University of Minnesota. I plan on eventually specializing in infectious diseases and hope to work in the field of international health care and policy. 7/31/00

Jeanne Briggs, e-mail:
U.S. Agency for International Development

I recently completed my master’s degree at the Georgetown School of Foreign Service, where I concentrated in foreign policy with a focus on democracy, civil society, and human rights promotion. While in school I worked at the U.S. Embassy in Prague, the Central and East European Law Initiative of the American Bar Association, and the Office of Nordic and Baltic Affairs at the State Department. My stint at State ended with a trip to Vilnius, Lithuania for the Second Conference on Women and Democracy, which was very interesting!

I’ve now joined the U.S. Agency for International Development as the desk officer for Moldova and Belarus. I joined government service through the Presidential Management Intern program, which is an excellent opportunity for anyone in graduate school considering a career in government service. As always, I am happy to help anyone interested in careers in DC and/or international affairs–send me an e-mail! 8/3/01

Paul Dosh and Andrea Galdames

Paul Dosh, e-mail
U of California, Berkeley

Paul Dosh and his wife Andrea Galdames (’96) are dancing in the streets of Lima, Peru and Quito, Ecuador. Paul is conducting dissertation research on the urban poor and writing bilingual slam poetry. The U.S. Department of Education Fulbright-Hays program has generously agreed to pay for all their nightclub cover charges. Regarding the recent exile of former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori amid a web of corruption scandals, Paul wishes to pass along a message to Prof. Robert Packer: “I told you so.” 9/4/01

Jeff George

After finishing a joint MA-MBA from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and Harvard Business School in June 2001, my fiancee Renee Will and I moved to San Francisco, where I’ve been working as an Associate with McKinsey & Company for the past year. I get together with fellow international relations majors Chad Ovel (’96), David McAuliffe (’95) and Simeon Nichter (’98) regularly, all of whom either live on the West Coast or are out here frequently. (Chad actually gets back to the U.S. from Vietnam, where he’s the country manager for a rapidly-growing Danish furniture company, quite often.) David, Simeon and I were especially pleased to see how well Carleton’s Model UN team fared this year–recalling Carleton’s world titles in 1995 and 1996. Kudos to them! If any Carleton IR majors are passing through the Bay Area, please do look us up.

Photo: Chad Ovel ’96 (left) and Jeff George ’96 in Hanoi, Vietnam, June 2001.

Jeff George

Jake Nelsen, e-mail
Mayo Clinic

Just moved back to Minnesota (Austin) after a year in D.C. working for the Department of Interior. My daughter just turned one year old and we are expecting a second child in January 2003. 8/20/02

Elisabeth Sarah Steele, Yale Law School

I’m in my last year of law school in New Haven, CT. I’m going to miss sharing the hallways with Carls–Ian Crawford ’98 and Debbie Green ’01. Thinking about law school? I’d be happy to talk to you about the admissions process. 9/02

Liz Watson, e-mail
Welfare Law Center

After three long years of law school in Washington, DC (Georgetown Law), I am moving to NYC. There, I will work with women in the welfare-to-work program who have employment problems (sexual harassment, disability discrimination, etc….). I’d love to hear from any corporate law types interested in doing pro bono work. 8/1/00

Kate Wulff, e-mail
U.S. General Accounting Office

I finished my MPP at the Humphrey Institute at the University of Minnesota in June. My thesis was on child support enforcement and welfare reform. My concentration was in policy analysis methods.

Presently, I’m working at the U.S. General Accounting Office in Washington, DC as an analyst. I’ll spend two years rotating through different parts of GAO before I am supposed to specialize. Currently, I am assigned to the Physical Infrastructure Team Civil Aviation Issues Group. I’m working on aviation security related issues. 11/7/01

Michael Zwirn, e-mail
After four years in Oregon working on salmon conservation, I moved with my wife Susan back to Washington DC. I’m still in international environmental work, currently as the Foundation Relations Manager at WildAid, working to end the illegal wildlife trade. Previously I spent a few months working on a UNDP/Global Environment Facility project. Otherwise, enjoying DC and looking to buy a house soon! 3/7/06

Class of 1997

Michael Guanella, e-mail:

Wilsons Leather

The Guanella clan keeps on growing–Natalie Pearl joined her big sister Eleanor last year and is doing her best at keeping Mom and Dad up at night. After a pair of stints with Minneapolis-based firms (Tennant and Marquette Banks), I have finally settled into a management role at Wilsons Leather in Brooklyn Park. Just wrapping up my second year at Carlson School for an MBA (part-time). 1/18/05

Brian Levy, e-mail
Research Associate, New Rules Project
Institute for Local Self-Reliance

I was just awarded a Public Service Fellowship by the JFK School of Government at Harvard to enroll in their Masters in Public Policy program. I will start in the Fall 2001, and will focus on trade policy and development issues. 4/5/01

Marik Moen, e-mail
U.S. Peace Corps

Going back for a third year slogging through the jungle and the wacky world of politics–health (preventative) education in Gabon (Central Africa).

I’m most likely pursuing a Masters in Nursing/Masters in Public Health degree when I return (Johns Hopkins or U of MN or UNC Chapel Hill???) focusing on adolescent/women’s reproductive health and health education–behavioral change in community-based health education. 8/1/00

Tauna Szymanski, e-mail
Andreae, Vick & Associates, LLC

I thought I’d update my entry after four years…I finished law school at Stanford in May, took the NY bar exam in July and started as an MPA student at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton in August. It’s a terrific program and I highly recommend it–I’m working a lot harder here than I did in law school, actually. Also commuting on weekends down to Charlottesville, where my partner and I live with Kofi the cat. Life is good! 11/22/03

Carrie Zwiebel, e-mail
Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government 8/3/00

Class of 1998

Matthew Allen, e-mail
University of Texas at Austin School of Law

I’m working harder than ever in law school. I miss Carleton, but not the weather. Hope everybody is doing well. Cheers. 1/99

Leif Brottem, e-mail
Office of the Governor, State of Alaska, Juneau, AK

I’m currently interning for Governor Tony Knowles’ Special Assistant for Natural Resources. I assist with a variety of issues including logging in the Tongass National Forest, Pacific salmon fisheries, and oil and gas leasing. Quite an interesting time to be in Alaska as the era of oil cash passes away. I’m also going on an ascent of Denali via the Muldrow Glacier in April. 3/17/99

Mark Dunn, e-mail
American University, Washington, DC

I just got back from an eventful year teaching English in China. I even had 5,000 students demonstrating outside of my dorm after the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. Now that I’ve returned to the States, I’m off to DC to go back to school. I’ll be studying at American University for a Master’s in international relations. 8/99

Pamina (Katti) Firchow
Federation of American Scientists

After graduating I spent a year in Bonn, Germany on a fellowship given by the German Bundestag. It was very interesting and a lot of fun travelling around Germany and Europe on Germany’s tax money! Now i am working Washington, DC at the Arms Sales Monitoring Project of the Federation of American Scientists, a nonprofit arms control organization. We monitor US sales of conventional weapons. I’ve been doing a lot of work on Latin America which was always my passion! If anyone needs help with information in these areas, please feel free to contact me. We are a wonderful source of information. 3/22/00

Amy Maliza, e-mail:

This fall I will begin study at Georgetown University Law Center in D.C. I am not sure what to expect of the program or of the city, but I am looking forward to both. 7/25/00

Sandi Phinney, e-mail
German Marshall Fund of the U.S.

In January of 2001, after a year and a half in the German Marshall Fund’s D.C. office, I moved to Bratislava, Slovakia to join GMF’s Office for Central and Eastern Europe. Much of my work includes meeting with grantees and potential grantees to discuss proposals and ongoing projects. I love living in Bratislava, learning a new language, and travelling all over Central Europe, but do plan to return to the U.S. for grad school mid-2003. 8/20/01

Class of 1999

Michael Hartman, e-mail
St. Joseph High School, Santa Barbara, CA

Am coaching high school football. 8/7/99

Megan Heister, e-mail
The College Preparatory School, Oakland, CA

I am now employed as a member of the Development Office at The College Preparatory School. My term as an office assistant in the POSC office has come in useful. 9/99

Kelly Hoskin, e-mail

I am now working as a caseworker for United States Senator Spencer Abraham in Southfield, MI. I am enjoying it tremendously, and it surely puts my political science major to work! 3/26/00

Andy Johnson, e-mail
University of Chicago

I am in grad school in an MA program in IR at University of Chicago. Lots of reading and writing. (Has anything changed?) 10/20/99

Alden Mahler
Emory University

I just moved to Atlanta to start a Ph.D. program in Political Science at Emory University. I really like the department and I’m excited (and a little apprehensive!) about being back in school. If anybody is ever in Atlanta, let me know. 8/26/02

Ryan Miske
McMaster-Carr Supply Company, Elmhurst, IL

News Release: Ryan Miske of Bensenville, IL, was recently presented The Congressional Award Gold Medal, the highest honor Congress bestows upon youth. Along with 61 other young people from across the nation, he was recognized for his distinguished public service and personal development initiatives. The annual ceremony was presided over by the Joint Leadership of Congress in Statuary Hall of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Tim Russert of NBC’s Meet the Press served as the Master of Ceremonies and Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott delivered the keynote address.

Ryan Miske

U.S. Congressman Henry Hyde congratulates
Ryan Miske on receiving the Congressional Award
Gold Medal (Photo courtesy Theresa Nalipinski)

Ryan served as a national youth officer for the Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts’ National Honor Society, and as the first youth coordinator of the Order of the Arrow’s national publication. He served as the director of one of Scouting’s premier outdoor programs at their national high adventure base in Cimarron, New Mexico. He also served as President of his class at Carleton College. After graduating from Carleton, he moved to Illinois to work for McMaster-Carr Supply Company in Elmhurst. 8/31/00

David Shulman, e-mail

I spent a year and a half on the Hill with U.S. Representative Ben Cardin (D-MD). Since September 2001, I’ve been working for NCSJ, a non-profit group that advocates on behalf of Jews in the former Soviet Union. 2/14/03

J. Vincent Stevens, e-mail

Running for Minnesota State congressional seat 50B. 8/1/99

Ingrid White, e-mail
Corporate Council on Africa, Washington, D.C.

Since September, I’ve been working in Washington, DC at an international business and trade organization called the Corporate Council on Africa with fellow 99er, Robert Telchin. I’ve found life at CCA to be hectic, stressful, and exhilarating. Imagine a small yet dedicated staff dealing with the fluctuating fortunes of the entire African continent, the power of the American economy, and the sheer energy of DC on a day-to-day basis. And I thought the final night of dead days was hectic. At CCA, I work on trade and outreach missions to Africa and a USAID-funded program which links historically-disadvantaged South African entrepreneurs with American companies. I’ve gained so much experience (and travel miles) since joining CCA. November brought me to a sunshine-drenched South Africa, and we have upcoming trips to Algeria and Nigeria planned within the next few months. P.S. I also serve as the Internship Coordinator. If any potential participants in Prof. Schier’s DC Political Science Seminar need internships, don’t hesitate to contact me. 3/15/00