Class of 1972

Daniel Schak

Unfortunately, Dan passed away this past fall (10/17/98) after a 20-month battle with cancer. During the past decade, Dan had become cerrtified as an elementary school teacher. He was a much-loved kindergarten teacher at North End School (St. Paul) at the time of his death. He is very much missed by myself and our two children–Benjamin, age 17, and Jacob, age 12.

By the way, Dan enjoyed the first issue of The Poligon and thought it was a great idea. — Esther (Schapire) Schak (’73) 1/99

Class of 1976

Jack Barlow

It was very good to get the department’s newsletter, and I hope the department will keep it up. It sounds as if good things are happening for current students, and I was glad to hear it.

My only news is that I will be teaching in the Czech Republic next year as a Fulbright Lecturer, at The Technical University of Brno and Masaryk University, also in Brno. Maybe we will run into some Carleton people there.

Best wishes to all in the department for a good year, and good luck with the search for the Zuckerts’ replacements–those are important shoes to fill. 1998

Ted Beilman

Ted has had a career in the food industry and is currently a VP of America’s Favorite Chicken. He and his wife Judy Pickette Beilman (’76) are the parents of a daughter (12) and a son (10). Ted sends his regards. 10/8/99

Peter Brecke, e-mail
Georgia Institute of Technology

I am an associate professor with tenure at the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. I teach classes such as Empirical Research Methods; Modeling, Forecasting & Decision Making; Causes of War; International Institutional Design; and Science, Technology & World Politics. My research concerns the development of a computerized Conflict Alert System. To that end I am developing a taxonomy of violent conflicts, which at this time entails my assembling a data set of all recorded violent conflicts since 1400 AD. There have been about 5,000 of them. I and my wife, Julie Simon, live in Atlanta and have a son, Nicholas Grant Simon-Brecke. 5/31/00

Class of 1978

Jeff Paulson, e-mail
Hammargren, Meyer & Paulson, P.A.

I am currently practicing law in a small (4 lawyers) firm after a variety of experiences in private practice, government practice, legislative work, mediation and in-house with NSP. Although I practice in many areas of litigation and commercial transactions, the bulk of my work is for wind energy developers working in Minnesota and the Midwest, and on similar regulatory issues in the energy industry. I work constantly with various government regulatory agencies at all levels local to international as the industry expands. I am married with three stepchildren (18, 15 and 9). 8/7/00

Class of 1979

Charles (Chip) Lyons, 218-788-0889
U.S. Fund for UNICEF

Completed 4th year as President of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, a non-profit advocacy, fundraising and education affiliate of UNICEF. We have tripled U.S. private resources while focusing more on “do-able” public health goals–eliminating maternal and neo-natal tetanus, for example–and expanding partnerships with new corporate and foundation leaders. A too-often silent constituency exists in the U.S. for generous, focused, and results-based “foreign aid”–a group which we seek to see grow. Best wishes to Norm Vig and Hartley Clarke. 9/1/01

Nancy Gregory Musselwhite, e-mail or

Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce