The political science department at Carleton offers courses in all branches of political science. We represent a variety of fields and interests. We also have a wide spectrum of political opinions and a variety of approaches. This fosters lively debate in classes, and in the Carleton community as a whole, about issues of public concern. We have a tradition of student interest in political affairs, and a department that is large and diverse for the size of the College.
Can I major in it?
Yes. It’s known as “Political Science & International Relations”. Note: there is no minor, but there is a public policy minor, which combines political science and economics classes.
Topics explored
American government and politics, comparative political systems, international relations and world politics, and political philosophy.
How to get started
First-year students normally begin their study in the department with POSC 120: Democracy and Dictatorship, POSC 122: Politics in America: Liberty and Equality or POSC 160: Political Philosophy, POSC 170: International Relations and World Politics. Some 200-level courses are open to first-year students.