Katie Casados’s Comps Presentation

7 March 2016

Katie Casados’s Comps Presentation
Wednesday, March 2nd
3:10 pm in Olin 141

Exploring the Physics of Diamonds and Their Applications

The diamond mineral is a fairly well-known object due to T.V. commercials and engagement photos posted on social media. While most people know about a diamond’s extreme hardness and large price tag, there is much more to explore and understand. We will take a closer look at the familiar diamond and how it fits into the physics field by first discussing the fundamentals of how it is created and obtained, along with its history throughout the centuries. Next, the properties that a diamond contains such as physical characteristics, optics, and electricity are covered. Complicating the issue, different types of natural and synthetic diamonds will be introduced and their properties compared. Lastly, applications in the physics field that use diamonds as the key apparatus, including quantum computers, will be discussed. By the end of my presentation, it will hopefully be realized how much potential diamonds have besides being glittery pieces of jewelry.