OCS Program in India
Winter Break 2018Click for meeting info
Spend your summer in Pittsburgh researching physics!
ReNew Power Ventures’s Summer Internship and Scholarship Program ReNew Power, a cleantech company, is on a phenomenal growth trajectory. ● We are valued at two billion dollars plus in private…
Click if you are interested in going into teaching.
Click for more info on how to go to this conference!
Still looking for an internship? Check out this paid Production Internship opportunity at Twin Cities PBS! My name is Diana Fraser ’14 and I’m part of the production team for…
John Scott’s Comps Presentation Wednesday, February 21st 3:10 pm in Olin 141 Josephson Junctions Max Mattessich’s Comps Presentation Friday, February 23rd 3:30 pm in Olin 141 Energy Recapture…
John Scott’s Comps Presentation Wednesday, February 21st 3:10 pm in Olin 141 Josephson Junctions: From Physics to Functions Josephson Junctions are a fundamental component of superconducting circuits, and display macroscopic…