What Physicists Do
Physics 123, Spring 2024
(Weeks 2-6) Fridays 3:30 pm (6a) in Olin 141
1 Credit; S/CR/NC
Spring 2024 speakers will be published in late winter.
The Department of Physics and Astronomy is pleased to announce this year’s Physics 123 Line-up. “What Physicists Do” is our annual series of five lectures by invited speakers, many of whom are Carleton Physics alumni. It is intended to introduce students to a broad range of real-world physics and to give some perspective on the kinds of work done by people with a physics background. The course is open to all interested students who have taken PHYS 151; those considering a major in physics are particularly encouraged to enroll.
The presentations are on Fridays during 6a (3:30 pm) in Olin 141. The only requirement, beyond attending five talks, is to read an assigned article beforehand and then to submit a short (one-page) typed essay afterwards commenting on both the talk and the reading. Speakers will be available for informal discussions over refreshments afterward. Questions: Arjendu Pattanayak, Olin 237, x7166, arjendu@carleton.edu