Note: not all classes listed below are actually being offered during the current academic year. Check the schedule of classes for the most up to date schedule of current and future classes.
- 2024–2025 Courses:
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PHIL 100: This Course is About Discourse: An Introduction to Philosophy Through Dialogues
Most philosophy comes in the form of books or articles where the author expounds their view over the course of many pages. But there is a long tradition of writing philosophy as a dialogue between multiple characters. These dialogues are a hoot to read and philosophically illuminating. This course is an introduction to philosophy through dialogues from various philosophical traditions around the world. The dialogues we'll read ask questions like: What is justice? Is there a God? What is the nature of personal identity? What is the nature of reality? What do we owe to nature? How does science work?
Prerequisites:Student is a member of the First Year First Term class level cohort. Students are only allowed to register for one A&I course at a time. If a student wishes to change the A&I course they are enrolled in they must DROP the enrolled course and then ADD the new course. Please see our Workday guides Drop or 'Late' Drop a Course and Register or Waitlist for a Course Directly from the Course Listing for more information.
6 credits; AI/WR1, Argument & Inquiry/WR1, IS, International Studies; offered Fall 2024 · Daniel Groll -
PHIL 100: Utopias
What would a perfect society look like? What ideals would it implement? What social evils would it eliminate? This course explores some famous philosophical and literary utopias, such as Plato's Republic, Thomas More's Utopia, Francis Bacon's New Atlantis, Ursula Le Guin's The Dispossessed, and others. We will also consider some nightmarish counterparts of utopias, dystopias. One of the projects in this course is a public performance, such as a speech or a short play.
Prerequisites:Student is a member of the First Year First Term class level cohort. Students are only allowed to register for one A&I course at a time. If a student wishes to change the A&I course they are enrolled in they must DROP the enrolled course and then ADD the new course. Please see our Workday guides Drop or 'Late' Drop a Course and Register or Waitlist for a Course Directly from the Course Listing for more information.
6 credits; AI/WR1, Argument & Inquiry/WR1; offered Fall 2024 · Anna Moltchanova -
PHIL 104: Thought Experiments
Thought experiments, whether in the humanities or the sciences, offer a unique way to investigate reality through the imagination. In philosophy, proponents of thought experiments suggest that simulated experiences can give us insight into issues of knowledge, justice, happiness, perception, language, evil, and more. We will analyze how thought experiments can confirm, or disconfirm, abstract philosophical claims via imagination of a concrete scenario, rendered vividly with sensory details. Our text will be Helen De Cruz’s Philosophy Illustrated. Students will have the option to create their own original philosophical thought experiment and accompanying narrative for their final project.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 113: The Individual and the Political Community
Are human beings radically individual and atomic by nature, political animals, or something else? However we answer that question, what difference does it make for our understanding of the ways in which larger political communities come into existence and are maintained? In this course we will explore these and related questions while reading two of the most foundational works in political theory, Plato’s Republic and Hobbes’s Leviathan, as well as several contemporary pieces influenced by these thinkers. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IS, International Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 114: Philosophy of Love and Sex
This course is an examination of theories and attitudes concerning love and sexuality that have been prevalent in the Western world. We will explore philosophical and theological conceptions of sex and love and ethical issues related to these topics (including monogamy, same-sex marriage, cultural differences, pornography, and consent.) The course will focus on contemporary U.S. beliefs and practices examined through the lens of the different beliefs and practices concerning intimacy within the cultures of the U.S. The lens of gender, race/ethnicity, and sexual orientation will be ongoing themes of the class and included in all topics. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 116: Sensation, Induction, Abduction, Deduction, Seduction
In every academic discipline, we make theories and argue for and against them. This is as true of theology as of geology (and as true of phys ed as of physics). What are the resources we have available to us in making these arguments? It’s tempting to split the terrain into (i) raw data, and (ii) rules of right reasoning for processing the data. The most obvious source of raw data is sense experience, and the most obvious candidates for modes of right reasoning are deduction, induction, and abduction. Some philosophers, however, think that sense perception is only one of several sources of raw data (perhaps we also have a faculty of pure intuition or maybe a moral sense), and others have doubted that we have any source of raw data at all. As for the modes of “right” reasoning, Hume famously worried about our (in)ability to justify induction, and others have had similar worries about abduction and even deduction. Can more be said on behalf of our most strongly held beliefs and belief-forming practices than simply that we find them seductive—that we are attracted to them; that they resonate with us? In this course, we’ll use some classic historical and contemporary philosophical texts to help us explore these and related issues. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Winter 2025 · Jason Decker -
PHIL 119: Meaning of Life
Does life have a meaning? To answer this, we will explore various cross-cultural approaches to the meaning of life, both those that affirm meaning and deny it. We will cover, for example, approaches to the meaning of life grounded in divinity, creativity, striving, and more. We will also inquire into related questions about agency: Is fate compatible with meaning in life? Is meaning distinct from happiness? Is meaning a moralized concept? In addition, there will be room for student choice of topics.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Spring 2025 · Hope Sample -
PHIL 123: Topics in Medical Ethics
This course examines a variety of topics in medical ethics. We begin with a unit on pandemic ethics: Who should get ventilators when there aren't enough for everyone? Do medical providers have a duty to treat during a pandemic? We then turn to the question "When is someone dead?" and consider how different answers to that question affect arguments over organ procurement. Our third unit is on the place of race, and racial judgments, in medicine. Is there a place for racial judgments in medicine? Finally, we turn to the question of how to think about decision making in a clinical context: what values are at play? And how should we think about disagreements between clinicians and patients? What about disagreements between patient's past wishes and their current wishes?
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 124: Friendship
What is friendship? Are there different types of friendships? What makes a friendship good? While this course will familiarize you with a variety of scholarly views on friendship from both historically canonical and contemporary sources, our main goal is to become more reflective about our lived experience of friendship here and now. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IS, International Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Spring 2025 · Allison Murphy -
PHIL 201: Fables, Stories, and Philosophy
Storytelling is a universal human activity. We enculturate and educate children through picture books, fables, and fairy tales. How? Do they make us morally better? Epistemically better (even though they are, strictly speaking, false)? What makes a story or fairy tale effective (whatever that means) as opposed to boringly didactic? And how can non-semantic modes of communication like music and visual art amplify or complicate the ways stories impart lessons for humanity? This course will explore the nature of stories from a philosophical perspective. Among others things, students will work together to update a classic story, fable or fairy tale for a contemporary audience. 3 credits; S/CR/NC; No Exploration; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 202: Philosophy Lab: Leading a Pre-Collegiate Philosophy Program
In this course, Carleton students will collaborate with local high school students from the Area Learning Center (ALC) to develop and articulate views on philosophical issues of interest to Carleton students and students at the ALC. Our overarching objectives are to promote the joy of doing philosophy and to foster skills among Carleton and ALC students for having good philosophical conversations. These skills include, but are not limited to listening, empathy, intellectual humility, and flexibility.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): Two Philosophy (PHIL) courses with a grade of C- or better.
3 credits; S/CR/NC; HI, Humanistic Inquiry; offered Spring 2025 · Daniel Groll, Hope Sample -
PHIL 203: Bias, Belief, Community, Emotion
What is important to individuals, how they see themselves and others, and the kind of projects they pursue are shaped by traditional and moral frameworks they didn’t choose. Individual selves are encumbered by their social environments and, in this sense, always ‘biased’, but some forms of bias are pernicious because they produce patterns of inter and intra-group domination and oppression. We will explore various forms of intersubjectivity and its asymmetries through readings in social ontology and social epistemology that theorize the construction of group and individual beliefs and identities in the context of the social world they engender. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 209: Philosophy of Theater: Actors, Characters, Performances
Ian McKellen explains that when he acts on stage, “I pretend to be the person I’m portraying.” But how do you pretend to be a person? Is it different from playing make-believe or code-switching your behavior between family, friends, and classmates? Is it different from what writers do when they write about fictional people? And just what is a person, anyway? A particular body? A set of beliefs and desires? Is an actor’s race and gender independent of those of the person they portray? We’ll evaluate competing answers to such questions from philosophers, cognitive scientists, and theater practitioners.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Spring 2025 · Andrew Knoll -
PHIL 210: Logic
The study of formal logic has obvious and direct applicability to a wide variety of disciplines (including mathematics, computer science, linguistics, philosophy, cognitive science, and many others). Indeed, the study of formal logic helps us to develop the tools and know-how to think more clearly about arguments and logical relationships in general; and arguments and logical relationships form the backbone of any rational inquiry. In this course we will focus on propositional logic and predicate logic, and look at the relationship that these have to ordinary language and thought. 6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Spring 2025 · Jason Decker -
PHIL 211: Being, Time and Identity
The aim of metaphysics has traditionally been to identify the nature and structure of reality. The topics of this course are the topology of time, identity of things and individuals, causality, free will, and the referents of general terms. We will read a variety of classic and contemporary texts, which are organized topically. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): One Introductory (100-199) PHIL course with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 213: Ethics
How should we live? This is the fundamental question for the study of ethics. This course looks at classic and contemporary answers to the fundamental question from Socrates to Kant to modern day thinkers. Along the way, we consider slightly (but only slightly) more tractable questions such as: What reason is there to be moral? Is there such a thing as moral knowledge (and if so, how do we get it)? What are the fundamental principles of right and wrong (if there are any at all)? Is morality objective? 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, WR2 Writing Requirement 2, IS, International Studies; offered Winter 2025 · Daniel Groll -
PHIL 217: Reason in Context: Limitations and Possibilities
Our reflection on significant human questions is often (perhaps always) embedded within a larger set of cultural or personal theoretical commitments. Such embeddedness suggests our reflection cannot achieve the standard of objectivity characteristic of a traditional ideal of rationality. Is this realization to be welcomed insofar as it weakens traditional dogmatic claims to truth and the associated implication that certain views or frameworks are superior to others? Or, in spite of the unmooring of the philosophical tradition from set criteria, do we still find ourselves committed to some ordering of rank and, if so, how do we make sense of this? In this course we’ll examine these questions as they arise in the writings of Nietzsche, Heidegger and other continental philosophers. We will devote part of the course to the ancient sources (Plato and Aristotle) with whom the continental philosophers are in conversation. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 218: Virtue Ethics
What is a good human life? Who is a good person? From the time of Plato and Aristotle onwards, many philosophers have thought about these questions in terms of two central ideas. Virtues, such as justice or courage, make us a certain type of person (they give us a certain character). Wisdom enables us to make good judgments about how to act. How do virtue and wisdom work together to produce a good human life? Is a good life the same as a happy life? We will reflect on these and related questions as we read texts from Alasdair MacIntyre, Philippa Foot, and other significant thinkers in the contemporary virtue ethics tradition. We will also consider the application of virtue ethics to specific areas, such as environmental ethics, as well as the parallels between Western virtue ethics and the tradition of Confucianism in ancient China.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Winter 2025 · Allison Murphy -
PHIL 219: American Pragmatism
The class is a survey of this distinctly North American tradition, which understands knowing the world as inseparable from exercising one’s agency within it. We will especially focus on the tradition’s directedness towards various dimensions of social improvement and the notion that philosophy is a tool in the realization of an inclusive American democracy. We will start with the readings on how an indigenous philosophical perspective served as a crucial source of American pragmatism, we will then read works of African American Pragmatists as well as “classic” pragmatists and emerging theories such as Black Feminist Pragmatism. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry; offered Spring 2025 · Anna Moltchanova -
PHIL 221: Philosophy of Law
This course provides students with an opportunity to engage actively in a discussion of theoretical questions about law. We will consider the nature of law as it is presented by natural law theory, legal positivism and legal realism. Then we will deal with responsibility and punishment, and challenges to the idea of the primacy of individual rights from legal paternalism and moralism. We will next inquire into the explanations of why individuals should obey the law, and conditions under which civil disobedience is justified. Finally, we will discuss issues raised by feminist legal theory and some theories of minority rights. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 223: Philosophy of Language
In this course we will look at how philosophers have tried to understand language and its connection with human thought and communication. The course will be split into two parts: Semantics and Pragmatics. In the first part, we’ll look at general features of linguistic expressions like meaning and reference. In the second part, we’ll look at the various ways in which speakers use language. Topics to be considered in the second part include speech acts, implicature, and presupposition. 6 credits; CX, Cultural/Linguistics, HI, Humanistic Inquiry, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 225: Philosophy of Mind
What is the relationship between the mind and the brain? Are they identical? Or is there mental “stuff” in addition to physical stuff? Or perhaps some physical stuff has irreducibly mental properties? These, and related questions, are explored by philosophers under the heading of “the mind-body problem.” In this course, we will start with these questions, looking at classical and contemporary defenses of both materialism and dualism. This investigation will lead us to other important questions such as: What is the nature of mental representation, what is consciousness, and could a robot have conscious states and mental representations? 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 226: Love and Friendship
This course will consider various philosophical views on the nature of love and friendship. It will focus on both the history of philosophical thinking about these notions from Plato and Aristotle to the twentieth century and a variety of contemporary views on the meaning of love and friendship that derive their insight from the most recent studies of emotion, agency, action, rationality, moral value, and motivation. We will also look at the variations in the understanding of love and friendship among the members of the same culture and across cultures. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 232: Social and Political Philosophy
We will study several prominent late twentieth century philosophers writing about social and political justice and representing a variety of views, such as liberalism, socialism, libertarianism, communitarianism, feminism and post-modernism. The following are some of the authors we will read: John Rawls, Gerald Cohen, Robert Nozick, Charles Taylor, Iris Marion Young, Seyla Benhabib, Jurgen Habermas, Jean-Francois Lyotard. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 255: Comparative Philosophy
Philosophical problems are motivated by human concerns that are often shared across cultures. In this course, we will analyze how philosophers from different traditions have approached problems concerning the structure of reality, the nature of knowledge and experience, and how we ought to live. We will identify how their cultural context impacts their resolution of metaphysical, epistemic, and ethical problems. Moreover, beyond comparing and contrasting, we will consider how philosophers from different philosophical traditions could have learned from or inspired one another if they had engaged with one another. By engaging in this cross-cultural investigation inquiry, we will gain a broader view of how philosophy has been used to make sense of the world and its limitations and prospects philosophy. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IS, International Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 257: Contemporary Issues in Feminist Philosophy
We will analyze different theories about the distinction between sex and gender. Then we will turn to contemporary issues in feminism for the remainder of the course. These issues include, but are not limited to, conservative feminism, reproductive justice, fetishes, disability, ethics of pronouns, whether men are oppressed, and responsibility for oppression. We will read selections from Oyèrónké Oyewùmí, Robin Dembroff, Karina Ortiz Villa, Robin Zheng, Anne Fausto-Sterling, Audre Lorde, and more. In addition, there will be room for student choice of topics.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Fall 2024 · Hope Sample -
PHIL 260: Philosophy of Race
What is race? How do we define racism? How have philosophers defined race historically? What does it mean to examine race philosophically? US history, culture, and politics are haunted by the specters of race, racism, and slavery. Ideas about race and racism permeate nearly all aspects our lives evidenced by the mainstream media’s obsession with questions like: Does racism still exist? Should critical race theory be taught in schools? Do “Black Lives” or “All Lives” matter? In this course, we will investigate the ways in which ideas about race and racism in the US have been and are continuously re-defined for the sake of preserving white supremacy and white-supremacist institutions. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies; offered Fall 2024 · Cynthia Marrero-Ramos -
PHIL 261: The Individual and the Political Community
Are human beings by nature atomic units or oriented towards community? What does the difference amount to, and why does it matter for our understanding of the ways in which political communities come into existence and are maintained? In this course we will explore these and related questions while reading two foundational works in political theory, Plato’s Republic and Hobbes’s Leviathan, as well as several related contemporary pieces.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IS, International Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 270: Ancient Greek Philosophy
Is there a key to a happy and successful human life? If so, how do you acquire it? Plato and Aristotle thought the key was virtue and that your chances of obtaining it depend on the sort of life you lead. We’ll read texts from these authors that became foundational for the later history of philosophy, including the Apology, Gorgias, Symposium, and the Nicomachean Ethics, while situating the ancient understanding of virtue in the context of larger questions of metaphysics (the nature of being), psychology, and ethics.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IS, International Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Spring 2025 · Allison Murphy -
PHIL 272: Early Modern Philosophy: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Philosophy
Our inquiry into seventeenth and eighteenth century philosophy is not limited to any geographic region: it is open to Indigenous philosophical traditions as well as those of Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia. We will cover selections from Anton Wilhelm Amo, Mulla Sadra, Sor Juana Inés de La Cruz, Im Yunjidang, Isaac Newton, Baruch Spinoza, Immanuel Kant, and more. The topics include, but are not limited to, the mind body distinction, divinity, love, freedom, virtue, and the good life. The final paper project for this course asks you to creatively connect philosophical concepts, themes, or problems from different units of the course.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IS, International Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Winter 2025 · Hope Sample -
PHIL 274: Existentialism
We will consider the emergence and development of major themes of existentialism in the works of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, as well as “classical” existentialists such as Heidegger, Sartre and De Beauvoir. We will discuss key issues put forward by the existentialist movement, such as “the question of being” and human historicity, freedom and responsibility and look at how different authors analyzed the nature and ambitions of the Self and diverse aspects of subjectivity. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IS, International Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Fall 2024 · Anna Moltchanova -
PHIL 275: Latina Feminist Philosophy
Latina feminist philosophers have developed and continue to develop valuable philosophical contributions to feminist scholarship and the discipline of philosophy more broadly. This course sheds light on these contributions by exploring the major questions, concepts, and debates within the Latina (and Latinx) feminist philosophical tradition. We will specifically explore the relationships between race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, and identity; lived experience, embodiment, and knowledge; and the possibilities for self/social transformation through the process of creative writing.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IS, International Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Winter 2025 · Cynthia Marrero-Ramos -
PHIL 287: Conspiracy Theories and Dogmatism
Conspiracy theories hit us where we are intellectually most vulnerable. Like global skeptical scenarios that occupy and perplex philosophers, they suggest a gap between appearance and reality; they suggest that we have formed our beliefs on the basis of massively misleading evidence. Often, they concern possibilities that we have never even considered, let alone properly assessed. The volume of evidence and arguments that conspiracy theorists offer for their theories can be vast and intricate. Yet it seems that, in some cases, we are perfectly within our epistemic rights in dogmatically ignoring or avoiding this volume of evidence and arguments. This won’t do as a general policy, though, for history forces us to admit that sometimes conspiracy theorists are right. Theories like Bayesian formal epistemology that seem well-suited to guide us through these difficult waters often make our situation even more puzzling and problematic. To make fresh headway on these issues, this course will look critically at how philosophers, psychologists and political scientists have approached conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists. We will consider topics such as cognitive dsyfunction and bias, epistemic trust, peer disagreement, the puzzle of misleading evidence, dogmatism, and formal theories of probabilistic reasoning. Along the way we will have occasion to consider many strange and fascinating conspiracy theories—a few of which have turned out to be true. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 289: Death, Dying and Discussion
We’re all going to die. We all know that. But we seem to spend a lot of our lives avoiding thinking and talking about it. This course aims to remedy that. We will meet weekly to talk about death. Students will engage with an array of media (readings, speeches, documentaries) that deal with death and dying, both in America and abroad. We will partake in various activities that help us think about death in abstract, the death of those we love, and our own death. Be ready to talk and to listen! We’ll provide the Kleenex. 3 credits; S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Spring 2025 · Daniel Groll -
PHIL 297: Kant’s Philosophy of Mind
Kant’s contributions to philosophy of mind cover a diverse array of aspects of consciousness and have deeply influenced the history of philosophy of mind. His phenomenological reflections on the perception of space and time and the basic categories through which we judge inspired subsequent Kantian philosophers and even contemporary debates about the role of concepts in perception. Further, Kant’s account of judgments of beauty and the sublime provide essential background for contemporary aesthetics. Finally, Kant’s universal law formulation of his central moral principle provides an innovative way to understand moral decision making in terms of collective rationality. 6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IS, International Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 299: Ethics Bowl
This course will prepare a team or two from Carleton to participate in the regional Ethics Bowl tournament. Ethics Bowl teams prepare analyses of contemporary moral and political issues which they present, and defend, at the competition, while also engaging with the analyses of other teams. While Ethics Bowl is a competition, the focus in our course will be on doing the research necessary to understand the cases and then thinking through the cases together. Students do NOT have to partake in the Ethics Bowl tournament in order to take (and pass!) the course. The class will meet once a week. Previous Ethics Bowl experience is not required. Prerequisites:This course requires permission from the instructor.
To request permission, click this link and fill out the request form.
Please note: the link will open in a new window. Once you have received permission from the instructor, you will be able to return to this page to register for the course.
3 credits; S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Fall 2024 · Daniel Groll -
PHIL 303: Bias, Belief, Community, Emotion
What is important to individuals, how they see themselves and others, and the kind of projects they pursue are shaped by traditional and moral frameworks they didn’t choose. Individual selves are encumbered by their social environments and, in this sense, always ‘biased’, but some forms of bias are pernicious because they produce patterns of inter and intra-group domination and oppression. We will explore various forms of intersubjectivity and its asymmetries through readings in social ontology and social epistemology that theorize the construction of group and individual beliefs and identities in the context of the social world they engender. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 100, 200 or 300 level PHIL course NOT including Independent Studies with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 304: Decolonial Feminisms
This course familiarizes students with major issues and debates within the emerging field of decolonial feminist philosophy. We will start by considering some of the historical, geopolitical, and theoretical underpinnings from which decolonial feminisms emerged. We will then investigate core concepts and problems pertaining to decolonial feminisms as a critical methodology and as a practice to build solidarity between and across anti-racist, anti-colonial, anti-sexist, anti-capitalist schools of thought and/or political coalitions. We will pay particular attention to Latina feminist philosopher María Lugones and her development of the “colonial modern gender system” and her articulation of “decolonial feminism.” Recommended preparation: One prior course in Philosophy or a relevant area of studies.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 318: Buddhist Studies India Program: Buddhist Philosophy
This course introduces students to major trends in Buddhist philosophy as it developed in India from the time of the Buddha until the eleventh century CE. The course emphasizes the relationships between philosophical reasoning and the meditation practices encountered in the Buddhist Meditation Traditions course. With this in mind, the course is organized into three units covering the Indian philosophical foundations for the Therav?da, Zen, and Tibetan Vajray?na traditions. While paying attention first and foremost to philosophical arguments and their evolution, we also examine the ways in which metaphysics, epistemology and ethics inform one another in each tradition. Prerequisites:Acceptance in the Carleton OCS Buddhist Studies in India program.
IS, International Studies, No Exploration; offered Fall 2024 · Arthur McKeown -
PHIL 320: Virtue Ethics
What is a good human life? Who is a good person? Virtue ethicists think about these questions in terms of two central ideas. Virtues, such as justice or courage, make us a certain type of person (they give us a certain character). Wisdom (phrones is) enables good judgments about how to act in particular situations. How should we think about the relationship between virtues and wisdom? How does being wise differ from being (merely) intelligent or clever? These will be central questions for us to reflect on as we read several core texts from the contemporary tradition of virtue ethics. We will also spend some time on related concerns, such as what view of human nature, if any, is presupposed by virtue ethics, and how we should understand the relationship between being virtuous and being happy.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 322: Social Construction
The idea that various things are socially constructed is ubiquitous. But what exactly does it mean for something to be socially constructed? And what things are socially constructed? Race? Gender? Quarks? Mental Illness? Everything? We will read, among others, Sally Haslanger (Resisting Reality), Ian Hacking (The Social Construction of What?), Nelson Goodman (Ways of Worldmaking) and Ásta (Categories We Live By).
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 100, 200 or 300 level PHIL course NOT including Independent Studies with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 323: Living Wisely
For Aristotle, and many following him, practical wisdom (phronesis) guarantees both goodness and happiness. Sounds like a deal! Unfortunately, it’s not clear how we go about getting, or even recognizing, this intellectual virtue. Its insights cannot be demonstrated like a mathematical proof or captured in abstract rules. But we’re not stuck with undefended intuitions or a relativism that makes what is good or beneficial up to us. What is this wisdom supple enough to navigate between such extremes? We’ll read original thinkers in the broader Aristotelian tradition and scholars interpreting Aristotle’s texts as we think about this and related questions.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 100, 200 or 300 level PHIL course NOT including Independent Studies with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Fall 2024 · Allison Murphy -
PHIL 324: The Self
When one is told, “Take good care of yourself!” the reflexive ‘yourself’ refers to both the object and agent of care. What is it, this ‘self’, and how do you take good care of it? This course will discuss historical and contemporary answers to these questions, as well as the related notions of identity, personhood, agency, and self-knowledge. Moreover, some philosophical traditions deny the existence of the self; in their account of living well, what is experiencing the living? Or, if we understand the self as relational, does one need to take care of others to take care of oneself? Finally, if one’s self is socially constructed, how do we change society to avoid its possible disfiguring influences on the self and to enable every self’s flourishing?
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 100, 200 or 300 level PHIL course NOT including Independent Studies with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Winter 2025 · Anna Moltchanova -
PHIL 338: Philosophy East and West
This course will cover philosophical themes within seventeenth and eighteenth century Eastern and Western philosophical traditions and put them in conversation with one another. Some examples of topics that may be covered include, but are not limited to, the following: nature, divinity, knowledge, virtue, animal ethics, philosophy of mind, change, and education. Further, we will analyze methodological issues of translation. We will also evaluate problems for comparative work such as incommensurability, anachronism, ideological imperialism, ethnocentrism, and more. The aim of this course is to gain a contextual understanding of these philosophical traditions to promote the creation of new dialogues. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 100, 200 or 300 level PHIL course NOT including Independent Studies with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, IS, International Studies, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 373: Reptiles and Demons
Skeptical arguments—like Descartes’ malignant demon argument—threaten to completely undermine our claim to have any knowledge of this world. Philosophers (and non-philosophers) have often met our apparent inability to answer these skeptical arguments with a shrug. The skeptical scenarios exert no gravitational pull on most minds and can be safely filed under “philosophical curiosities.” Meanwhile, global conspiracy theories—like David Icke’s theory that the world’s governments are overrun with shapeshifting reptilians from the constellation Draco—also threaten to undermine our knowledge of the world. Trying to answer them runs us into the very same cognitive and epistemic roadblocks that we run into with philosophical skepticism. We can’t, however, meet these theories with a shrug. Conspiracy theories—even the wilder ones—do attract adherents and do have real-world (and sometimes devastating) consequences. Intensifying our predicament is the undeniable fact that we live in a world that is rife with conspiracies—some of them rather wild. In this seminar we will examine the cognitive architecture and evidential conditions that contribute to our predicament and then ask whether cognitive science or formal epistemology can offer any useful tools or strategies for confronting philosophical skepticism and conspiracy theories. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 200 level PHIL course NOT including Independent Studies with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; HI, Humanistic Inquiry, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; not offered 2024–2025 -
PHIL 398: Comps Proposal
This is the first part of the philosophy comps sequence. It is a five-week independent study to be enrolled in at the end of the Fall term Senior Year (or the year you will be compsing). The purpose is to give you the chance to do more reading on your comps topics and to start doing a bit of writing. By the last day of classes of Fall Term, you will turn in an official comps proposal (approximately 1500 words). The proposal will (a) articulate the main philosophical problem or puzzle that will be addressed in your comps; (b) describe some of the main moves that have been made in the relevant literature; and (c) include a bibliography. Prerequisites:Student is a Philosophy major and has Senior Priority.
3 credits; S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Fall 2024 · Daniel Groll -
PHIL 399: Senior Thesis
The planning, preparation, and completion of a philosophical paper under the direction of a member of the department and as part of a seminar group. 6 credits; No Exploration; offered Winter 2025 · Hope Sample, Allison Murphy -
PHIL 400: Integrative Exercise
A colloquium in which seniors defend their senior theses and discuss the senior theses of others. Prerequisites:Student is a Philosophy major and has Senior Priority.
3 credits; S/NC; offered Spring 2025 · Hope Sample, Allison Murphy