Recently, CSA Senators discussed the possibility of allowing second-years to run for the position of CSA President. As of now, the CSA Constitution requires that CSA Presidential candidates must be in their third-year to run in elections. CSA Senators motioned to allow for the student body to decide whether second-years may run in addition to third-years, or to leave the requirement for third-years as is.

The vote is worded as follows:

Do you support the amendment of the CSA Constitution to allow for second-years to run for CSA President in elections? (Yay/Nay)

To decide on this constitutional amendment, we kindly ask you to vote in the upcoming Referendum (7th Thursday – Sunday). The Referendum question will be at the bottom of the elections ballot. This CANNOT be decided without YOUR vote!

Feel free to reach out below or send an email to CSA President Molly Zuckerman if you have any questions, thoughts, or comments.

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