Frequently Asked Questions about funding
How do I request money for my club?
To request money, you should fill out a funding request form (see the funding request descriptions) and, depending on the form, potentially show up to Budget Committee or Senate.
When is the deadline for submitting funding request forms?
You must submit your request at least a week before it will be heard. For example, if your event is on a Friday the 13th, the request cannot be submitted on Tuesday the 10th. It must be submitted on Tuesday the 3rd, so it can be heard on Wednesday the 4th.
I cannot see my organization’s account on the HUB. Who should I contact?
The CSA Treasurer can help your organization gain access to the Hub.
How should I present my request to Budget Committee?
Follow these Five Steps in the BC Meeting:
- Arrive at Budget Committee at your specified time on Wednesday.
- Find a seat in one of the chairs around the outer perimeter of the room. You will take a seat at the end of the center table when it is your club’s turn.
- The Treasurer will introduce your request to Budget Committee at your time.
Note: The Treasurer chairs the Budget Committee. - Give Budget Committee Committee a quick summary of your request.
Note: Committee members will have your request form before them, so you don’t need to give all the details. Definitely inform the Committee if anything has changed since you submitted the request. - Budget Committee Committee members will ask you specific questions about your event, discuss its merits, and make bids. Note: You are always free to respond to questions. If you would like to talk, but haven’t been asked a question, raise your hand or otherwise call attention to yourself. The President will recognize you in short order.
The Committee will vote on the bids. The bids can range from a full bid (all of the money you requested) to a $0 bid (none of the money you requested). If a “motion to move to the next item on the agenda” is passed with one bid under consideration, Budget Committee has recommended that bid to Senate.
Can I speak during the Budget Committee meeting?
Yes, you can speak at any time, so long as no one else is currently talking.
What should I do if someone is already presenting when I enter the meeting?
You should sit down in one of the chairs on the periphery of the room.