Café Fast Procedure for Meal Plan Donations


Café Fast provides a mechanism for converting the value of forfeited dining hall meals into donations to charitable organizations or causes. Students pledge to give up a meal on the specified day, always a Friday lunch, and Dining Services gives a portion of the meal’s value ($2.20) to charity.


  • Empty Bowls received Café Fast, 359 students skipped a meal resulting in a donation of $790.00
  • CARE received Café Fast, 252 students skipped a meal resulting in a donation of $554.50.

Application Short Version:

Any individual or group can request Café Fast through the following steps:

  1. Fill out the form below in order to be put on the Senate Agenda.
  2. Optional but encouraged: come to Senate, usually the next Monday, to present your request.
  3. Optional but encouraged: publicize your Café Fast request by tabling in Sayles and other avenues.

Additional details.

Café Fast Rules:

  1. The Café Fast donation must be a Friday lunch.
  2. The Café Fast meal can occur no earlier than the 3rd Friday after CSA Senate approval.
  3. The signup period for donating the meal ends at least 72 hours before the event. Campus Services removes the web form and provides Bon Appetit with an estimate of participation.
  4. Senate can only approve three Café Fast requests per term, and so awards them on a first come, first serve basis to student groups on behalf of qualified charitable organizations.

If you have additional questions about Cafe Fast, please contact the CSA Vice President.

Cafe Fast Request

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.