Each Spring, CSA Senate, with the help of Budget Committee, allocates a substantial amount of money to student groups for the upcoming academic year. The money comes from sources such as the CSA Activity Fee and vending revenues. The following information explains the process.

Spring Allocation Appeals requests due by Tuesday May 28th at 5:00pm.


  • To minimize the impact that changes in group leadership will have on an organization’s funding.
  • To ensure fiscal responsibility of the Senate and student organizations.
  • To increase the amount of programming funding available each academic term.
  • To eliminate redundancy (groups receiving funding for the same program at multiple points during the year).

Important Information

  • Determine if your organization qualifies as a “Large Organization.” “Large Organizations” are those that plan to request over $5000. They will be subject to stricter review than organizations below the threshold. Large Organizations must come to the day of Spring Allocations to present their request.
  • All organizations requesting money must submit the below form.
    • Read our Financial Guidelines before requesting Spring Allocations.
    • Use this form to request all expected expenses for the following academic year. Spring Allocations is used upcoming academic year for fixed and recurring events. Other funding can be requested through the normal, weekly Budget Committee request process of Special Allocations (i.e., not Spring Allocations).
    • Make sure you submit only one form per organization (coordinate with other executives to make sure you know who in your organization is submitting the request).
    • Itemize requests to the best of your ability.
  • At the closed Spring Allocations meeting, Budget Committee will make a recommendation on each request, which will be emailed to each organization following Spring Allocations. This recommendation may be appealed to the Committee in a later Budget Committee meeting. 
  • The CSA is restricted in the total amount we can allocate. Please be cognizant that this money is shared among all CSA organizations and we aim to distribute it equitably. You can help in this process by requesting only what you need and being reasonable with your budgetary expectations.
    • CSA does not want to cut funding for events, but should requests be deemed excessive or organizations request much higher amounts than previous years, the Budget Committee will be more likely to reduce funding to these orgs/events should the need arise. 

Questions? Contact the CSA Executive Team

Spring Allocations Form

2024 Budget Allocation Appeals Requests