The OIL Peer Mentorship Program offers guidance and support for first-year BIPOC students in making a smooth transition to Carleton. The program is designed to connect participants to on-campus resources that help them navigate the college experience and ensure that they persist and graduate.
The Program pairs up upperclass students with first-year students to offer perspective and guidance on what it means to navigate, grow, and succeed as a student of color at Carleton. OPLs are sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have done well academically, are active in the Carleton community, and are enthusiastic about meeting and assisting new students, sharing with them their knowledge and experience. OPL’s offer first-year students a personal perspective on the experience of living, growing, and succeeding in a community that encourages diversity and individual differences and have often served as friends and mentors.
Program Goals
- Ease first-year students’ transition to college
- Create community among BIPOC students and allies
- Build capacity and skills to navigate the college experience
- Ensure BIPOC students persist and graduate from Carleton