The Office of Intercultural Life houses a library in Sayles–Hill 201 with 640 resources.

Author NameBook Title
*Appiah, Kwame Anthony; Gates, Jr., Henry Louis (bottom of shelf)Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience
*Coburn, Jewell (bottom of shelf)Jouanah- A Hmong Cinderella
*Contreras; Bernstein (bottom of shelf)We Dance Because We Can: People of the Powwow
*George, Nelson - Editor (bottom of shelf)Stop the Violence
*Haskins, Jim (bottom of shelf)I Have a Dream: The Life and Words of Martin Luther King, Jr.
*Oxford (bottom of shelf)Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (Fifth Edition)
*Say, Allen (bottom of shelf)Allison
*Tamez, Modesto (bottom of shelf)Math and Science Across Cultures
*Tan, Amy (bottom of shelf)The Chinese Siamese Cat
Abrashoff, MichaelIt's Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy
Abu-Jamal, MumiaWe Want Freedom
Achebe, ChinuaThings Fall Apart
Aciman, AndreLetters of Transit
Acosta, Oscar ZetaThe Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo
Adoff, ArnoldI am the Darker Brother
Aguirre, Jr., AdalbertoChicanos in Higher Education
Aitmatov, Chinghiz The Day Lasts More than a Hundred Years
Akers-Jones, DavidFeeling the Stones
Al-Radi, NuhaBaghdad Diaries
Alexie, ShermanThe Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven
Alexie, ShermanThe Toughest Indian in the World
Algarin, MiguelAloud
AliThe End of Tolerance?
Allen, Paula GunnVoice of the Turtle
Allen, Paula GunnSpider Woman’s Granddaughters
Althen, GaryLearning Across Cultures
Althen, Gary & Bennett, Janet M.American Ways
Alvarez, JuliaIn the Time of the Butterflies
Alvarez, JuliaYo!
Anaya, Rudolfo A.Blue Mesa Review
Anderson, James A.Driving Change Through Diversity and Globalization
Anouilh, JeanAntigone
Ansary, TamimWest of Kabul, East of New York
Appelquist, JeffWisdom Is Not Enough: Reflections on Leadership and Teams
Appiah, K. AnthonyColor Conscious
Arana, MarieAmerican Chica: Two Worlds, One Childhood
Arce, JulissaMy (Underground) American Dream
Aries, ElizabethRace and Class Matters at an Elite College
Armour, JodyNegrophobia and Reasonable Racism
Asian Women United of CaliforniaMaking Waves
Aslan, RezaNo god but God
Atkinson; Morten; and SueCounseling American Minorities
Ayo, DamaliHow to Rent a Negro
Azuela, MarianoThe Underdogs
Baldwin, JamesVintage Baldwin
Baraka, AmiriThe Autobiography of LeRoi Jones
Baraka, AmiriTransbluesency: The Selected Poems of Amiri Baraka/LeRoi Jones
Barratt, WillSocial Class on Campus: Theories and Manifestations
Barry, John M.Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927
Barry, Mary FrancesThe Pig Farmer's Daughter and Other Tales of American Justice
Barry, Mary FrancesLong Memory: The Black Experience in America
Becker, Howard S.Tricks of the Trade
Beebe; Kouakou; Oyeyinka, RaoAfricaDotEdu: IT Opportunities and Higher Education in Africa
Begg, EanThe Cult of the Black Virgin
Bell-Scott, PatriciaFlat-Footed Truths
Bell, DerrickFaces at the Bottom of the Well
Bell, DerrickEthical Ambition
Bell, DerrickSilent Covenants: Brown v. Board of Education
Benitez, SandraA Place Where the Sea Remembers
Berlin, IraMany Thousands Gone
Best, JoelDamned Lies and Statistics: Untangling Numbers from the Media, Politicians, and Activists
Biko, SteveI Write What I Like
Blum; JensenChina Off Center: Mapping the Margins of the Middle Kingdom
Bok, SisselaLying
Bonvillain, NancyLanguage, Culture, and Communication: The Meaning of Messages
Bordas, JuanaSalsa, Soul, and Spirit: Leadership for a Multicultural Age
Bordewich, FergusKilling the White Man's Indian: Reinventing Native Americans at the End of the Twentieth Century
Borrego; ManningWhere I Am from: Student Affairs Practice from the Whole of Students' Lives
Boston, Thomas D.Race, Class and Conservatism
Bowen; LevinReclaiming the Game: College Sports and Educational Values
Box-Steffensmeier; SchierThe American Elections of 2008
Boyd, LoreeSpirit Moves
Boyer; Clark; Kett; Salisbury; Sitkoff; WolochThe Enduring Vision: A History of the American People 2nd Edition
Boyle, T. CoraghessanThe Tortilla Curtain
Bragg, RickAll Over but the Shoutin'
Branch, TaylorPillar of Fire
Branch, TaylorParting the Waters
Brathwaite, EdwardThe Arrivants: A New World Trilogy
Braxton, JohnReworking the Student Departure Puzzle
Bray, DenisHong Kong Metamorphosis
Bresciani, MarileeOutcomes-based Academic and Co-curricular Program Review
Brewer, Elizabeth; Cunningham, KiranIntegrating Study Abroad Into the Curriculum: Theory and Practice Across the Disciplines
Brown, Joseph EpesBlack Elk's The Sacred Pipe
Brown, TonyEmpower the People
Browning, ChistopherOrdinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland
Bucaille, LaetitiaGrowing up Palestinian
Buff, RachelImmigration and the Political Economy of Home
Burak, Patricia; Hoffa, WilliamCrisis Management in a Cross-Cultural Setting
Burciaga, JoseIn Few Words/En Pocas Palabras: A Compendium of Latino Folk Wit and Wisdom (NEA Heritage & Preservation Series)
Burgett, Bruce; Hendler GlennKeywords for American Cultural Studies
Bush, PeterThe Voice of the Turtle: An Anthology of Cuban Stories
Buss, Fran LeeperForged under the Sun/Forjada bajo el sol: The Life of Maria Elena Lucas
Byrd, Rudolph P.Charles Johnson's Novels: Writing the American Palimpsest
Byrd, Rudolph P.The Essential Writings of James Weldon Johnson
Caldwell, Richard S.Hesiod's Theogony: Translated, with Introduction, Commentary, and Interpretative Essay
Campo, RafaelThe Desire to Heal: A Doctor's Education in Empathy, Identity, and Poetry
Cao, LanMonkey Bridge
Carbado, Devon W.; Gulati, MituActing White? Rethinking Race in Post-Racial America
Carson, Clayborne; Holloran, Peter A Knock at Midnight
Carter, Glenda F.Financial Aid and Black Students
Carter, Stephen L.Civility: Manners, Morals, and the Etiquette of Democracy
Castillo, AnaLoverboys
Castillo, AnaSo Far From God
Castillo, AnaSapogonia
Castles, Stephen; Miller, Mark J.The Age of Migration
Chachavalpongpun, PavinA Plastic Nation
Chang, IrisThe Chinese in America
Chang, JeffWho We Be: A Cultural History of Race in Post-Civil Rights America
Chang, JulianaQuiet Fire, A Historical Anthology of Asian American Poetry, 1892-1970.
Chang, Lan SamathaHunger
Chase, William; Collier, PeterJustice Denied: The Black Man in White America
Chavez-Silverman, SusanaKiller Crónicas
Chin, FrankDonald Duk
Ching, Doris; Agbayani, AmefilAsian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Higher Education
Chocolate, Deborah; Ward, JohnKente Colors
Chow, Claire S.Leaving Deep Water
Choy, WaysonThe Jade Peony
Christensen; Horn; JohnsonDisrupting Class
Clabon, George D.The Gathering
Clarke, PaulLessons in Excellence from Charlie Trotter
Cobb, JelaniThe Devil and Dave Chappelle: And Other Essays
Coetzee, J.M.Disgrace
Cohen, M. N.Culture of intolerance
Cohen, Martin A.The Martyr: The Story of a Secret Jew and the Mexican Inquisition in the Sixteenth Century
Cohen, Paul A.China Unbound
Coleman, JonathanLong Way to Go
Collier, PaulThe Bottom Billion
Collins; RobertsLearning Is Not a Sprint
Conchas, GilbertoThe Color of Success
Condeluci, AlInterdependence
Condon, John C.With Respect to the Japanese: Going to Work in Japan
Conrad, JosephThe Heart of Darkness
Corbett, Edward P. J.The Rhetoric and the Poetics of Aristotle
Corbin, StevenA Hundred Days From Now
Cose, EllisThe Rage of a Priviledged Class
Covey, Stephen M. R.The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything
Cronyn, GeorgeAmerican Indian Poetry: An Anthology of Songs and Chants
Cull, Nicholas; Carrasco, DavidAlambrista and the U.S.-Mexico Border
Curtis, NatalieThe Indians' Book
D'Andrea, Vincent J.Peer Counseling: Skills and Perspectives
D’Emilio, JohnLost Prophet: The Life and Times of Baynard Rustin
Danquah, Meri Nana-AmaWillow Weep for Me
Darder; TorresThe Latino Studies Reader
Davidson, BasilLost Cities of Africa
Davis-Floyd, RobbieBirth as an American Rite of Passage
Davis, Angela Y.Women, Race & Class
Davis, KathyThe Making of Our Bodies, Ourselves
De Bary; BloomSources of Chinese Tradition
Delany, Samuel R.Heavenly Breakfast
Delany, Sarah L.Having Our Say
DeNeef; GoodwinThe Academic's Handbook 3rd Revised & enlarged Edition
Dharwadker, VinayOxford Anthology of Modern Indian Poetry
Diderot, DenisRameau's Nephew and D'Alambert's Dream
DiGeranimo; KadisonCollege of the Overwhelmed: The Campus Mental Health Crisis and What to Do About I
Dillard, John M.Multicultural Counseling: Toward Ethnic and Cultural Relevance in Human Encounters
Diskul, M.C. SubhadradisHistory of the Temple of the Emerald Buddha
Divakaruni, Chitra BanerjeeThe Mistress of Spices
Divakaruni, Chitra BanerjeeArranged Marriage
Dorris, MichaelCloud Chamber
Douglass, FrederickNarrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave
Dowd; BensimonEngaging the "Race Question": Accountability and Equity in U.S. Higher Education
Drewry, DoermannStand and Prosper: Private Black Colleges and Their Students
Duggan, William R.Strategic Intuition: The Creative Spark in Human Achievement
Duncan, Cynthia M.Worlds Apart: Why Poverty Persists in Rural America
Durkheim, EmileThe Division of Labour in Society
Durkheim; MaussPrimitive Classification
Dyson, Michael EricApril 4, 1968: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Death and How it Changed America
Dyson, Michael EricI May Not Get There With You
Dyson, Michael EricIs Bill Cosby right?
Easterly, WilliamThe Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists' Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics
Eastman, Lloyd E.Family, Fields, and Ancestors
Ebrey, Patricia BuckleyThe Cambridge Illustrated History of China
Eckel, Malcolm DavidTo See the Buddha
Edelman, Marian WrightLanterns: A Memoir of Mentors
Edelman, Marian WrightThe Measure of our Success
Edrich, LouiseTracks
Eidse; SichelUnrooted Childhoods: Memoirs of Growing Up Global
Ellis; SmithSay It Plain: A Century of Great African American Speeches
Eltis, DavidThe Rise of African Slavery in the Americas
Embree, Ainslie T.Sources of Indian Tradition
Ender; NewtonStudents Helping Students: A Guide for Peer Educators on College Campuses
Eng, DavidRacial Castration: Managing Masculinity in Asian America
Erdrich, Heid E; ToheSister Nations
Erigha, MaryannThe Hollywood Jim Crow: The Racial Politics of the Movie Industry
Eugenides, JeffreyMiddlesex
Fairbank; GoldmanChina: A New History
Fanon, FrantzThe Wretched of the Earth
Fasulo, LindaAn Insider's Guide to the UN
Fearon, KateCity of Soldiers: A Year of Life, Death, and Survival in Afghanistan
Feaver; Wasiolek; CrossmanGetting the Best Out of College
Feldman-Savelsberg, PamelaPlundered Kitchens, Empty Wombs
Few, MarthaWomen Who Live Evil Lives
Fichte, JohannThe Vocation of Men
Figes, KateThe Penguin Book of International Women's Stories
Fisher, GlenThe Mindsets Factor in Ethnic Conflict
Fortes, Maria IrenePlays: Maria Irene Fornes
Fossey; BatemanCondemning Students to Debt: College Loans and Public Policy
Foucalt, MichaelHerculine Barbin (Being the Recently Discovered Memoirs of a Nineteenth Century French Hermaphrodite)
Fowler; MumfordIntercultural Sourcebook Vol 1: Cross-Cultural Training Methods
Fowler; MumfordIntercultural Sourcebook Vol 2
Francisco, Patricia WeaverTelling: A Memoir of Rape and Recovery
Frankenberg, RuthWhite Women, Race Matters
Frazier; LincolnThe Negro Church in America; The Black Church Since Frazier
Freud, SigmundFive Lectures on Psycho-Analysis
Frieden; LakeInternational Political Economy
Fuentes, CarlosThe Crystal Frontier
Fulbeck, KipPaper Bullets
Fulbeck, KipPart Asian, 100% Hapa
Furnivall, J. S.Colonial Policy and Practice
Gafni, RonThe Holy Land from Above
Gaines, Ernest J.A Lesson Before Dying
Gaisser; McClainLivy: Book 1
Gandhi, MahatmaAll Men Are Brothers
Garciagodoy, JuanitaDigging the Days of the Dead
Garreau, JoelEdge City: Life on the New Frontier
Gaskins, Pearl FuyoWhat Are You?
Gates, Jr., Henry LouisBearing Witness
Gates, Jr., Henry LouisBlack Literature & Literary Theory
Gates, Jr., Henry Louis"Race," Writing, And Difference
Gates, Jr., Henry LouisThe Trials of Phillis Wheatley
Gaugain, PaulNoa Noa: The Tahitian Journal
Giddins; DeveauxJazz: Essential Listening
Gillan, Maria Mazziotti and Jennifer - EditorsIdentify Lessons: Contemporary Writing About Learning to be American
Gillan, Maria Mazziotti and Jennifer - EditorsGrowing up Ethnic in America: Contemporary Fiction About Learning to be American
Gilovich; Keltner; NisbettSocial Psychology: International Student Edition (Second Edition)
Giovanni, NikkiShimmy Shimmy Shimmy Like My Sister Kate
Giovanni, NikkiBlues: For All the Changes
Glasgow, Douglas G.The Black Underclass
Gochenour, TheodoreBeyond Experience
Golden, ArthurMemoirs of a Geisha
Goldman, Norma W.English Grammar For Students of Latin
Goldsmith; BlakelySeparate Societies
Gombrich, E. H.A Little History of the World
Goodman, MartinThe Roman World 44 BC-AD (2nd Edition)
Gordimer, NadineJuly’s People
Graff, GeraldBeyond the Culture Wars
Greene, JoshuaMoral Tribes
Gregory, DickCallus on my Soul: A Memoir
Gregory, DickNigger
Gropper, Rena C.Culture and the Clinical Encounter
Gwaltney, John LangstonDrylongso: A Self-Portrait of Black America
Hale, Grace ElizabethMaking Whiteness
Hall, Edward T.The Dance of Life
Hall, Edward T.The Hidden Dimesion
Hall, Edward T.The Silent Language
Hansen, ValerieThe Open Empire
Hardisty, JeanMobilizing Resentment
Harjo, JoyHow We Became Human
Harris-Perry, Melissa V.Sister Citizen
Hasse, John EdwardBeyond Category : The Life and Genius of Duke Ellington
Haynes, DavidAll American Dream Dolls
Haynes, DavidRight by My Side
Haynes, DavidSomebody Else's Mama
Hegi, UrsulaStones From the River
Heller, Donald E.The States and Public Higher Education Policy: Affordability, Access, and Accountability
Helms, Janet E.A Race is a Nice Thing to Have
Herbstein, ManuAma: A Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade
Hernandez, DaisyA Cup of Water Under My Bed
Herrnstein, Richard J.The Bell Curve
Hill, AnitaSpeaking Truth to Power
Himes, ChesterA Rage in Harlem
Himes, ChesterThe Big Gold Dream
Himes, ChesterPinktoes
Himes, ChesterThe Primitive
Himes, ChesterRun Man Run
Hine, Darlene Clark and Thompson, KathleenA Shining Thread of Hope
Hine; Hine; HaroldAfrican Americans: A Concise History (Volume One: To 1877)
Ho, FredLegacy to Liberation: Politics & Culture of Revolutionary Asian Pacific America
Hoài, TôChuyện cũ Hà Nội (Tập 1)
Hoài, TôChuyện cũ Hà Nội (Tập 2)
Hoffman, AbrahamAn Oklahoma Tragedy: The Shooting of Mexican Students, 1931
Hoffman, EvaExit Into History
Hoffman, EvaLost in Translation
Holt; Barkley BrownMajor Problems in African-American History
Hong, MariaGrowing Up Asian American
Houston, JeanneFarewell to Manzanar
Hrabowski; Maton; Greene; GriefOvercoming the Odds
Hu; GroveEncountering the Chinese
Hulme, KeriThe Bone People
Hurston, Zora NealeDust Tracks on a Road
Hurston, Zora NealeGo Gator and Muddy the Water
Hurston, Zora NealeMules and Men
Hurston, Zora NealeTell My Horse
Hwang, David HenryM. Butterfly
Imam, JahanaraOf Blood And Fire
Isaac, RhysLandon Carter's Uneasy Kingdom
Jaffray, Nora E.False Mystics
Jahoda, GloriaThe Trail of Tears
Johnson-Hanks, JenniferUncertain Honor
Johnson, CharlesDreamer
Johnson, CharlesMiddle Passage
Johnston, David CayPerfectly Legal
Jones, GaylCoRregidora
Jones, GywnEirik the Red and Other Icelandic Sagas
Jones, LeRoiDutchman + The Slave
Jordan, TimActivism
Kakar, SudhirThe Colors of Violence
Kalam, AbdulWings of Fire
Karp, David R.The Little Book of Restorative Justice for Colleges and Universities
Katz, Judy H.White Awareness
Keiser, Richard A.Subordination or Empowerment?
Keller, Nora OkjaComfort Woman
Kennedy, Randallnigger
Kerrane; YagodaThe Art of Fact
Kidder, TracyMountains Beyond Mountains
Kim, Eun Y.The Yin and Yang of American Culture
Kincaid, JamaicaThe Autobiography of My Mother
Kincaid, JamaicaMy Brother
King, Coretta ScottThe Martin Luther King, Jr. Companion
Kingston, Maxine HongThe Woman Warrior
Kisliuk, MichelleSeize the Dance
Koblik & GraubardDistinctively American
Kolbert, ElizabethThe Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
Koltyk, Jo AnnNew Pioneers In the Heartland: Hmong Life in Wisconsin
Komives; Lucas; McMahonExploring Leadership
Kooreman; KooremanBreves Cuentos Hispanos
Korelitz, Jean HanffAdmission
Kramer, JaneWhose Art Is It?
Krasner, DavidA Beautiful Pageant
Krims, AdaRap music and the poetics of identity
Kuehl, JamesCross-Cultural Perspective (4th Edition)
Kurlansky, MarkThe White Man in the Tree
LaDuke, WinonaLast Standing Woman
LaDuke, WinonaAll Our Relations
LaDuke, WinonaThe Winona LaDuke Chronicles
Lall, KesarFolk Tales From Nepal: The Stooe Image and Other Stories
Lall, KesarFolk Tales From Nepal: Myths & Legends
Lanier; GayLiving in the U.S.A
Lapcharoensap, RattawutSightseeing
Larsen, NellaQuicksand and Passing
Lawson, StevenRunning For Freedom
Lee, Stacey J.Up Against Whiteness: Race, School ,and Immigrant Youth
Lencioni, PatrickThe Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Lewis, Amanda E.Race in the Schoolyard
Lewis, David LeveringW.E.B. Du Bois: Biography of a Race (1868-1919)
Lewis, Richard D.The Cultural Imperative: Global Trends in the 21st Century
Lewis, Richard D.When Cultures Collide (Second Edition)
Liu, EricThe Accidental Asian
Livingston, Michael E.The African American Book of Lists
Locke, JohnSecond Treatise of Government
Louie; OmatsuAsian Americans: The Movement and the Moment
Lowe, Margaret A.Looking Good
Lubiano, WahneemaThe House that Race Built
Lusane, ClarenceAfrican Americans at the Crossroads
Lusane, ClarenceRace in the Global Era
Lyons, Richard C.But By the Chance of War
MacCann, David R.Early Korean Literature
Mackay, CharlesExtraordinary Popular Delusions
Mahmood, SabaPolitics of Piety
Makoto, YamaguchiOrigami in English
Malcomson, Scott L.One Drop of Blood
Malinowski, BronislawMagic, Science, And Religion
Mandela, NelsonLong Walk to Freedom (Complete)
Mandela, NelsonLong Walk to Freedom (Volume 2: 1962-1994)
Mankiller, WilmaMankiller: A Chief and Her People
Mankiller; Mink; Navarro; Smith; SteinemThe Reader's Companion to U.S. Women's History
Mann; ChengUnder Confucian Eyes
Marable, ManningRace, Reform, and Rebellion
Marable, Manning and Leith Mullings, editorsLet Nobody Turn us Around: Voices of Resistance, Reform, and Renewal: An African American Anthology
Maraire, J. NozipoZenZele: A Letter for My Daughter
Marash, AfshinNationalizing Iran
Margolies, PaulAlways Remember
Marks, ShulaNot Either An Experimental Doll
Marquez, BenjaminLulac
Marshall, PaulePraisesong for the Widow
Marshall, Sarah M.More Stories of Inspiration
Martin, Patricia PreciadoSongs My Mother Sang to Me
Masire, Quett Ketumile JoniVery Brave or Very Foolish? Memoirs of an African Democrat
Matsumoto, DavidThe New Japan
Maybury-Lewis, DavidIndigenous Peoples, Ethnic Groups, and the State
Mays, Benjamin E.Born to Rebel: An Autobiography
McBride, JamesThe Color of Water
McFeely, William S.Frederick Douglass
McKay, ClaudeBanana Bottom
McKay, ClaudeBanjo
McKenna, RichardThe Sand Pebbles
McKenna, Teresa; Ortiz Flora IdaThe Broken Web
McPherson, James AlanHue and Cry
McWhorter, JohnLosing the Race
Mead, MargaretComing of Age in Samoa
Meier, DeborahIn Schools We Trust
Michael, AliRaising Race Questions
Midwestern Psychological Association 2019Midwestern Psychological Association 2019
Miller, E. EthelbertIn Search of Color Everywhere: A Collection of African- Americn Poetry
Milligan, BryceDaughters of the Fifth Sun
Millman, DanWay of the Peaceful Warrior
Milner, Jr., MurrayFreaks, Geeks, and Cool Kids
Milosz, CczeslawA Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry
Min, AncheeThe Last Empress
Minnesota Humanities CommissionBraided Lives
Mitchell, MelanieComplexity
MontesquieuPersian Letters
Moore, Jerry D.Visions of Culture: An Introduction to Anthropological Theories and Theorists
Moore, Jerry D.Visions of Culture: An Annotated Reader
Mootoo, ShaniCereus Blooms at Night
Morrison, ToniBeloved
Morrison, ToniJazz
Morrison, ToniParadise
Morrison, ToniSula
Mosley, WalterBlack Betty
Moua, Mai NengBamboo Among the Oaks
Muller, Gilbert H.The New World Reader
Munoz, ManuelThe Faith Healer of Olive Avenue
Mura, DavidTurning Japanese: Memories of a Sansei
Mura, DavidWhere the Body Meets Memory: An Odyssey of Race, Sexuality and Identity
Musil; Garcia; Hudgins; Nettles; Sedlacek; SmithTo Form a Perfect Union
Naficy, MariamThe Fast Track
Nam, VickieYELL-Oh Girls!
Naylor, GloriaBailey's Cafe
Naylor, GloriaLinden Hills
Naylor, GloriaMamaday
Naylor, GloriaThe Women of Brewster Place
Nazario, SoniaEnrique's Journey
Nelson, JillStraight No Chaser
Nelson, JillVolunteer Slavery
Nelson, JillPolice Brutality
Nelson; EvertzThe Politics of Writing Centers
Nelson; Tu; HinesTechnicolor: Race, Technology, and Everyday Life
Nerburn, KentNeither Wolf nor Dog
Neuliep, James W.Intercultural Communication
Newport, CalHow to Become A Straight-A Student
Nguyễn Thị Diệu Thảomón điểm tâm thông dụng
Nimako; WillemsenThe Dutch Atlantic
Noguera, Pedro A.The Trouble with the Black Boys
Noguera; WingUnfinished Business
Norris; InglehartSacred and Secular
Northrup, JimThe Rez Road Follies
NortonThe Norton Anthology of African American Literature
NortonThe Norton Anthology of African American Literature (Second Edition)
NortonThe Norton Anthology of American Literature (Shorter Fifth Edition)
NortonThe Norton Anthology of Poetry
Norton; Katzman; Escott; Chudacoff; Paterson; TuttleA People & A Nation (Third Edition)
Nyberg, DavidThe Varnished Truth
Nydell, Margaret K. (Omar)Understanding Arabs
O'Nan, StewartEmily, Alone
Obama, BarackDreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
Omi; WinantRacial Formation in the United States
Ondaatje, MichaelAnil's Ghost
Opitz; Oguntoye; SchultzShowing Our Colors
Ortiz, Simon J.Speaking for the Generations
Orwell, GeorgeBurmese Days
Pakenham, ThomasThe Scramble of Africa
Pan, LynnThe Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas
Paredes, AmericoGeorge Washington Gomez
Parker, Clyde A.Development in College Students
Parks, GordonA Choice of Weapons
Parks, Suzan-LoriTopdog/Underdog
Parrado; RauseMiracle in the Andes
Pate, Alexs D.The Multicultiboho Sideshow
Pate, Alexs D.Losing Absalom
Pate, Alexs D.Finding Makeba
Peiss, KathyHope in a Jar
Peltier, LeonardPrison Writings: My Life is my Sun Dance
Penningroth, Dylan C.The Claims of Kinfolk
Perdomo. WillieWhere a Nickel Costs a Dime: Poems
Perdue, ThedaCherokee Women: Gender and Culture Change, 1700-1835
Perry, MarkWalking the Color Line: The Art and Practice of Anti-Racist Teaching
Perry, Theresa and Delpit, Lisa, EditorsThe Real Ebonics Debate: Power, Language, and the Education of African-American Children
Pettit, KevinRambling Down Life's Road...
Pham, Andrew X.Catfish and Mandala
Philips, Dr. Abu Amenah BilalArabic Reading & Writing Made Easy
Phillips, ArthurPrague
Pilate, VictoriaDorm Rooms to Boardrooms
Polite; DavisAfrican Americans Males in School and Society: Practices & Policies for Effective Education
Pollock; Van RekenThe Third Culture Kid Experience
Pope; Reynolds; MuellerMulticultural Competence in Student Affairs
Popkin; GwiasdaThe Hidden War: Crime and the Tragedy of Public Housing in Chicago
Pranis, KayThe Little Book of Circle Process
Prashad, VijayThe Darker Nations
Prashad, VijayEverybody Was Kung Fu Fighting
Price, Thomas J.Standoff at the Border: A Failure of Microdiplomacy
Punch, Keith F.Developing Effective Research Proposals
Purcell-Gates, VictoriaOther People's Words
Putnam, Robert D.Bowling Alone
Rauch, JonathanKindly Inquisitors
Reed Jr., Adolph L.W.E.B. Du Bois and American Political Thought
Reed, IshmaelMulti-America
Rekdal, PaisleyThe Night My Mother Met Bruce Lee
Remland, Martin S.Nonverbal Communication in Everyday Life
Richmond; GestrinInto Africa
Robert, Henry M.Robert's Rules of Order (Revised)
Roberts; KlibanoffThe Race Beat
Robinson, RandallThe Debt What America Owes to Blacks
Robinson, RandallDefending the Spirit: A Black Life in America
Robinson, RandallQuitting America
Rodriguez, Luis J.Trochemoche
Rodriguez, RichardBrown: The Last Discovery of America
Rodriguez, RichardHunger Of Memory
Roediger, David R.Black on White
Roediger, David R.The Wages of Whiteness
Rosaldo, RenatoCulture and Truth
Rose, MikeLives on the Boundary
Rose, WendyGoing to War with All My Relations
Rothenberg, Paula S.White Privilege
Rothschild, Babette8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery
Rousseau, Jean-JacquesThe First and Second Discourses
Rousseau, Jean-JacquesThe Social Contract
Rushdie; WestMirrorwork: 50 Years of Indian Writing
Russell, RalphThe Seeing Eye
Russell, SteveSequoyah Rising
Ryan, AlanThe Reader's Companion to Mexico
Ryan, JoanLittle Girls in Pretty Boxes
Salkey, AndrewWest Indian Stories
Sanchez, SoniaLike the Singing Coming Off the Drums
Santiago, EsmeraldaAlmost a Woman
Satrapi, MarjanePersepolis
Satrapi, MarjanePersepolis 2
Savicki, VictorDeveloping Intercultural Competence and Transformation
Schalkwijk; SmallNew perspectives on slavery and colonialism in the Caribbean
Scherman, TonyBackbeat: Earl Palmer's Story
Schier, Steven E.Transforming America: Barack Obama in the White House
Schneider, BartRace: An Anthology in the First Person
Schwalbe, MichaelRigging the Game
Schwartz, Stuart B.All Can Be Saved
Scott, James C.Weapons of the Weak
Seelye, H. NedExperiential Activities for Intercultural Learning
Sells, MichaelApproaching the Qur'an
Sen; MamdouhThe Accidental American: Immigration and Citizenship in the Age of Globalization
Senna, DanzyCaucasia
Sewell, MarilynClaiming the Spirit Within
Shabazz, JamelSeconds of My Life
Shahriari, AndrewPopular World Music
Shange, NtozakeIf I Can Cook/You Know God Can
Shipler, David K.The Working Poor: Invisible in America
Sijie, DaiBalzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
Silko, Leslie MarmonThe Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit
Simonson; WalkerMulti-Cultural Literacy
Sleeper, JimLiberal Racism
Smith, Daryl G., AssociatesDiversity Works: The Emerging Picture of How Students Benefit
Smith, Jessie CarneyBlack Firsts
Smith, Richard J.China's Cultural Heritage (Second Edition)
Smith, Robert C.Racism in the Post-Civil Rights Era
Spence, Jonathan D.Treason by the Book
Stephen, LynnTransborder Lives
Sterelny, KimThought in a Hostile World
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Sweet, James H.Recreating Africa
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