The Office of Intercultural Life houses a library in Sayles–Hill 201 with 640 resources.
Author Name | Book Title |
*Appiah, Kwame Anthony; Gates, Jr., Henry Louis (bottom of shelf) | Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience |
*Coburn, Jewell (bottom of shelf) | Jouanah- A Hmong Cinderella |
*Contreras; Bernstein (bottom of shelf) | We Dance Because We Can: People of the Powwow |
*George, Nelson - Editor (bottom of shelf) | Stop the Violence |
*Haskins, Jim (bottom of shelf) | I Have a Dream: The Life and Words of Martin Luther King, Jr. |
*Oxford (bottom of shelf) | Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (Fifth Edition) |
*Say, Allen (bottom of shelf) | Allison |
*Tamez, Modesto (bottom of shelf) | Math and Science Across Cultures |
*Tan, Amy (bottom of shelf) | The Chinese Siamese Cat |
Abrashoff, Michael | It's Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy |
Abu-Jamal, Mumia | We Want Freedom |
Achebe, Chinua | Things Fall Apart |
Aciman, Andre | Letters of Transit |
Acosta, Oscar Zeta | The Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo |
Adoff, Arnold | I am the Darker Brother |
Aguirre, Jr., Adalberto | Chicanos in Higher Education |
Aitmatov, Chinghiz | The Day Lasts More than a Hundred Years |
Akers-Jones, David | Feeling the Stones |
Al-Radi, Nuha | Baghdad Diaries |
Alexie, Sherman | The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven |
Alexie, Sherman | The Toughest Indian in the World |
Algarin, Miguel | Aloud |
Ali | The End of Tolerance? |
Allen, Paula Gunn | Voice of the Turtle |
Allen, Paula Gunn | Spider Woman’s Granddaughters |
Althen, Gary | Learning Across Cultures |
Althen, Gary & Bennett, Janet M. | American Ways |
Alvarez, Julia | In the Time of the Butterflies |
Alvarez, Julia | Yo! |
Anaya, Rudolfo A. | Blue Mesa Review |
Anderson, James A. | Driving Change Through Diversity and Globalization |
Anouilh, Jean | Antigone |
Ansary, Tamim | West of Kabul, East of New York |
Appelquist, Jeff | Wisdom Is Not Enough: Reflections on Leadership and Teams |
Appiah, K. Anthony | Color Conscious |
Arana, Marie | American Chica: Two Worlds, One Childhood |
Arce, Julissa | My (Underground) American Dream |
Aries, Elizabeth | Race and Class Matters at an Elite College |
Armour, Jody | Negrophobia and Reasonable Racism |
Asian Women United of California | Making Waves |
Aslan, Reza | No god but God |
Atkinson; Morten; and Sue | Counseling American Minorities |
Ayo, Damali | How to Rent a Negro |
Azuela, Mariano | The Underdogs |
Baldwin, James | Vintage Baldwin |
Baraka, Amiri | The Autobiography of LeRoi Jones |
Baraka, Amiri | Transbluesency: The Selected Poems of Amiri Baraka/LeRoi Jones |
Barratt, Will | Social Class on Campus: Theories and Manifestations |
Barry, John M. | Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 |
Barry, Mary Frances | The Pig Farmer's Daughter and Other Tales of American Justice |
Barry, Mary Frances | Long Memory: The Black Experience in America |
Becker, Howard S. | Tricks of the Trade |
Beebe; Kouakou; Oyeyinka, Rao | AfricaDotEdu: IT Opportunities and Higher Education in Africa |
Begg, Ean | The Cult of the Black Virgin |
Bell-Scott, Patricia | Flat-Footed Truths |
Bell, Derrick | Faces at the Bottom of the Well |
Bell, Derrick | Ethical Ambition |
Bell, Derrick | Silent Covenants: Brown v. Board of Education |
Benitez, Sandra | A Place Where the Sea Remembers |
Berlin, Ira | Many Thousands Gone |
Best, Joel | Damned Lies and Statistics: Untangling Numbers from the Media, Politicians, and Activists |
Biko, Steve | I Write What I Like |
Blum; Jensen | China Off Center: Mapping the Margins of the Middle Kingdom |
Bok, Sissela | Lying |
Bonvillain, Nancy | Language, Culture, and Communication: The Meaning of Messages |
Bordas, Juana | Salsa, Soul, and Spirit: Leadership for a Multicultural Age |
Bordewich, Fergus | Killing the White Man's Indian: Reinventing Native Americans at the End of the Twentieth Century |
Borrego; Manning | Where I Am from: Student Affairs Practice from the Whole of Students' Lives |
Boston, Thomas D. | Race, Class and Conservatism |
Bowen; Levin | Reclaiming the Game: College Sports and Educational Values |
Box-Steffensmeier; Schier | The American Elections of 2008 |
Boyd, Loree | Spirit Moves |
Boyer; Clark; Kett; Salisbury; Sitkoff; Woloch | The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People 2nd Edition |
Boyle, T. Coraghessan | The Tortilla Curtain |
Bragg, Rick | All Over but the Shoutin' |
Branch, Taylor | Pillar of Fire |
Branch, Taylor | Parting the Waters |
Brathwaite, Edward | The Arrivants: A New World Trilogy |
Braxton, John | Reworking the Student Departure Puzzle |
Bray, Denis | Hong Kong Metamorphosis |
Bresciani, Marilee | Outcomes-based Academic and Co-curricular Program Review |
Brewer, Elizabeth; Cunningham, Kiran | Integrating Study Abroad Into the Curriculum: Theory and Practice Across the Disciplines |
Brown, Joseph Epes | Black Elk's The Sacred Pipe |
Brown, Tony | Empower the People |
Browning, Chistopher | Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland |
Bucaille, Laetitia | Growing up Palestinian |
Buff, Rachel | Immigration and the Political Economy of Home |
Burak, Patricia; Hoffa, William | Crisis Management in a Cross-Cultural Setting |
Burciaga, Jose | In Few Words/En Pocas Palabras: A Compendium of Latino Folk Wit and Wisdom (NEA Heritage & Preservation Series) |
Burgett, Bruce; Hendler Glenn | Keywords for American Cultural Studies |
Bush, Peter | The Voice of the Turtle: An Anthology of Cuban Stories |
Buss, Fran Leeper | Forged under the Sun/Forjada bajo el sol: The Life of Maria Elena Lucas |
Byrd, Rudolph P. | Charles Johnson's Novels: Writing the American Palimpsest |
Byrd, Rudolph P. | The Essential Writings of James Weldon Johnson |
Caldwell, Richard S. | Hesiod's Theogony: Translated, with Introduction, Commentary, and Interpretative Essay |
Campo, Rafael | The Desire to Heal: A Doctor's Education in Empathy, Identity, and Poetry |
Cao, Lan | Monkey Bridge |
Carbado, Devon W.; Gulati, Mitu | Acting White? Rethinking Race in Post-Racial America |
Carson, Clayborne; Holloran, Peter | A Knock at Midnight |
Carter, Glenda F. | Financial Aid and Black Students |
Carter, Stephen L. | Civility: Manners, Morals, and the Etiquette of Democracy |
Castillo, Ana | Loverboys |
Castillo, Ana | So Far From God |
Castillo, Ana | Sapogonia |
Castles, Stephen; Miller, Mark J. | The Age of Migration |
Chachavalpongpun, Pavin | A Plastic Nation |
Chang, Iris | The Chinese in America |
Chang, Jeff | Who We Be: A Cultural History of Race in Post-Civil Rights America |
Chang, Juliana | Quiet Fire, A Historical Anthology of Asian American Poetry, 1892-1970. |
Chang, Lan Samatha | Hunger |
Chase, William; Collier, Peter | Justice Denied: The Black Man in White America |
Chavez-Silverman, Susana | Killer Crónicas |
Chin, Frank | Donald Duk |
Ching, Doris; Agbayani, Amefil | Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Higher Education |
Chocolate, Deborah; Ward, John | Kente Colors |
Chow, Claire S. | Leaving Deep Water |
Choy, Wayson | The Jade Peony |
Christensen; Horn; Johnson | Disrupting Class |
Clabon, George D. | The Gathering |
Clarke, Paul | Lessons in Excellence from Charlie Trotter |
Cobb, Jelani | The Devil and Dave Chappelle: And Other Essays |
Coetzee, J.M. | Disgrace |
Cohen, M. N. | Culture of intolerance |
Cohen, Martin A. | The Martyr: The Story of a Secret Jew and the Mexican Inquisition in the Sixteenth Century |
Cohen, Paul A. | China Unbound |
Coleman, Jonathan | Long Way to Go |
Collier, Paul | The Bottom Billion |
Collins; Roberts | Learning Is Not a Sprint |
Conchas, Gilberto | The Color of Success |
Condeluci, Al | Interdependence |
Condon, John C. | With Respect to the Japanese: Going to Work in Japan |
Conrad, Joseph | The Heart of Darkness |
Corbett, Edward P. J. | The Rhetoric and the Poetics of Aristotle |
Corbin, Steven | A Hundred Days From Now |
Cose, Ellis | The Rage of a Priviledged Class |
Covey, Stephen M. R. | The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything |
Cronyn, George | American Indian Poetry: An Anthology of Songs and Chants |
Cull, Nicholas; Carrasco, David | Alambrista and the U.S.-Mexico Border |
Curtis, Natalie | The Indians' Book |
D'Andrea, Vincent J. | Peer Counseling: Skills and Perspectives |
D’Emilio, John | Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Baynard Rustin |
Danquah, Meri Nana-Ama | Willow Weep for Me |
Darder; Torres | The Latino Studies Reader |
Davidson, Basil | Lost Cities of Africa |
Davis-Floyd, Robbie | Birth as an American Rite of Passage |
Davis, Angela Y. | Women, Race & Class |
Davis, Kathy | The Making of Our Bodies, Ourselves |
De Bary; Bloom | Sources of Chinese Tradition |
Delany, Samuel R. | Heavenly Breakfast |
Delany, Sarah L. | Having Our Say |
DeNeef; Goodwin | The Academic's Handbook 3rd Revised & enlarged Edition |
Dharwadker, Vinay | Oxford Anthology of Modern Indian Poetry |
Diderot, Denis | Rameau's Nephew and D'Alambert's Dream |
DiGeranimo; Kadison | College of the Overwhelmed: The Campus Mental Health Crisis and What to Do About I |
Dillard, John M. | Multicultural Counseling: Toward Ethnic and Cultural Relevance in Human Encounters |
Diskul, M.C. Subhadradis | History of the Temple of the Emerald Buddha |
Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee | The Mistress of Spices |
Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee | Arranged Marriage |
Dorris, Michael | Cloud Chamber |
Douglass, Frederick | Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave |
Dowd; Bensimon | Engaging the "Race Question": Accountability and Equity in U.S. Higher Education |
Drewry, Doermann | Stand and Prosper: Private Black Colleges and Their Students |
Duggan, William R. | Strategic Intuition: The Creative Spark in Human Achievement |
Duncan, Cynthia M. | Worlds Apart: Why Poverty Persists in Rural America |
Durkheim, Emile | The Division of Labour in Society |
Durkheim; Mauss | Primitive Classification |
Dyson, Michael Eric | April 4, 1968: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Death and How it Changed America |
Dyson, Michael Eric | I May Not Get There With You |
Dyson, Michael Eric | Is Bill Cosby right? |
Easterly, William | The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists' Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics |
Eastman, Lloyd E. | Family, Fields, and Ancestors |
Ebrey, Patricia Buckley | The Cambridge Illustrated History of China |
Eckel, Malcolm David | To See the Buddha |
Edelman, Marian Wright | Lanterns: A Memoir of Mentors |
Edelman, Marian Wright | The Measure of our Success |
Edrich, Louise | Tracks |
Eidse; Sichel | Unrooted Childhoods: Memoirs of Growing Up Global |
Ellis; Smith | Say It Plain: A Century of Great African American Speeches |
Eltis, David | The Rise of African Slavery in the Americas |
Embree, Ainslie T. | Sources of Indian Tradition |
Ender; Newton | Students Helping Students: A Guide for Peer Educators on College Campuses |
Eng, David | Racial Castration: Managing Masculinity in Asian America |
Erdrich, Heid E; Tohe | Sister Nations |
Erigha, Maryann | The Hollywood Jim Crow: The Racial Politics of the Movie Industry |
Eugenides, Jeffrey | Middlesex |
Fairbank; Goldman | China: A New History |
Fanon, Frantz | The Wretched of the Earth |
Fasulo, Linda | An Insider's Guide to the UN |
Fearon, Kate | City of Soldiers: A Year of Life, Death, and Survival in Afghanistan |
Feaver; Wasiolek; Crossman | Getting the Best Out of College |
Feldman-Savelsberg, Pamela | Plundered Kitchens, Empty Wombs |
Few, Martha | Women Who Live Evil Lives |
Fichte, Johann | The Vocation of Men |
Figes, Kate | The Penguin Book of International Women's Stories |
Fisher, Glen | The Mindsets Factor in Ethnic Conflict |
Fortes, Maria Irene | Plays: Maria Irene Fornes |
Fossey; Bateman | Condemning Students to Debt: College Loans and Public Policy |
Foucalt, Michael | Herculine Barbin (Being the Recently Discovered Memoirs of a Nineteenth Century French Hermaphrodite) |
Fowler; Mumford | Intercultural Sourcebook Vol 1: Cross-Cultural Training Methods |
Fowler; Mumford | Intercultural Sourcebook Vol 2 |
Francisco, Patricia Weaver | Telling: A Memoir of Rape and Recovery |
Frankenberg, Ruth | White Women, Race Matters |
Frazier; Lincoln | The Negro Church in America; The Black Church Since Frazier |
Freud, Sigmund | Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis |
Frieden; Lake | International Political Economy |
Fuentes, Carlos | The Crystal Frontier |
Fulbeck, Kip | Paper Bullets |
Fulbeck, Kip | Part Asian, 100% Hapa |
Furnivall, J. S. | Colonial Policy and Practice |
Gafni, Ron | The Holy Land from Above |
Gaines, Ernest J. | A Lesson Before Dying |
Gaisser; McClain | Livy: Book 1 |
Gandhi, Mahatma | All Men Are Brothers |
Garciagodoy, Juanita | Digging the Days of the Dead |
Garreau, Joel | Edge City: Life on the New Frontier |
Gaskins, Pearl Fuyo | What Are You? |
Gates, Jr., Henry Louis | Bearing Witness |
Gates, Jr., Henry Louis | Black Literature & Literary Theory |
Gates, Jr., Henry Louis | "Race," Writing, And Difference |
Gates, Jr., Henry Louis | The Trials of Phillis Wheatley |
Gaugain, Paul | Noa Noa: The Tahitian Journal |
Giddins; Deveaux | Jazz: Essential Listening |
Gillan, Maria Mazziotti and Jennifer - Editors | Identify Lessons: Contemporary Writing About Learning to be American |
Gillan, Maria Mazziotti and Jennifer - Editors | Growing up Ethnic in America: Contemporary Fiction About Learning to be American |
Gilovich; Keltner; Nisbett | Social Psychology: International Student Edition (Second Edition) |
Giovanni, Nikki | Shimmy Shimmy Shimmy Like My Sister Kate |
Giovanni, Nikki | Blues: For All the Changes |
Glasgow, Douglas G. | The Black Underclass |
Gochenour, Theodore | Beyond Experience |
Golden, Arthur | Memoirs of a Geisha |
Goldman, Norma W. | English Grammar For Students of Latin |
Goldsmith; Blakely | Separate Societies |
Gombrich, E. H. | A Little History of the World |
Goodman, Martin | The Roman World 44 BC-AD (2nd Edition) |
Gordimer, Nadine | July’s People |
Graff, Gerald | Beyond the Culture Wars |
Greene, Joshua | Moral Tribes |
Gregory, Dick | Callus on my Soul: A Memoir |
Gregory, Dick | Nigger |
Gropper, Rena C. | Culture and the Clinical Encounter |
Gwaltney, John Langston | Drylongso: A Self-Portrait of Black America |
Hale, Grace Elizabeth | Making Whiteness |
Hall, Edward T. | The Dance of Life |
Hall, Edward T. | The Hidden Dimesion |
Hall, Edward T. | The Silent Language |
Hansen, Valerie | The Open Empire |
Hardisty, Jean | Mobilizing Resentment |
Harjo, Joy | How We Became Human |
Harris-Perry, Melissa V. | Sister Citizen |
Hasse, John Edward | Beyond Category : The Life and Genius of Duke Ellington |
Haynes, David | All American Dream Dolls |
Haynes, David | Right by My Side |
Haynes, David | Somebody Else's Mama |
Hegi, Ursula | Stones From the River |
Heller, Donald E. | The States and Public Higher Education Policy: Affordability, Access, and Accountability |
Helms, Janet E. | A Race is a Nice Thing to Have |
Herbstein, Manu | Ama: A Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade |
Hernandez, Daisy | A Cup of Water Under My Bed |
Herrnstein, Richard J. | The Bell Curve |
Hill, Anita | Speaking Truth to Power |
Himes, Chester | A Rage in Harlem |
Himes, Chester | The Big Gold Dream |
Himes, Chester | Pinktoes |
Himes, Chester | The Primitive |
Himes, Chester | Run Man Run |
Hine, Darlene Clark and Thompson, Kathleen | A Shining Thread of Hope |
Hine; Hine; Harold | African Americans: A Concise History (Volume One: To 1877) |
Ho, Fred | Legacy to Liberation: Politics & Culture of Revolutionary Asian Pacific America |
Hoài, Tô | Chuyện cũ Hà Nội (Tập 1) |
Hoài, Tô | Chuyện cũ Hà Nội (Tập 2) |
Hoffman, Abraham | An Oklahoma Tragedy: The Shooting of Mexican Students, 1931 |
Hoffman, Eva | Exit Into History |
Hoffman, Eva | Lost in Translation |
Holt; Barkley Brown | Major Problems in African-American History |
Hong, Maria | Growing Up Asian American |
Houston, Jeanne | Farewell to Manzanar |
Hrabowski; Maton; Greene; Grief | Overcoming the Odds |
Hu; Grove | Encountering the Chinese |
Hulme, Keri | The Bone People |
Hurston, Zora Neale | Dust Tracks on a Road |
Hurston, Zora Neale | Go Gator and Muddy the Water |
Hurston, Zora Neale | Mules and Men |
Hurston, Zora Neale | Tell My Horse |
Hwang, David Henry | M. Butterfly |
Imam, Jahanara | Of Blood And Fire |
Isaac, Rhys | Landon Carter's Uneasy Kingdom |
Jaffray, Nora E. | False Mystics |
Jahoda, Gloria | The Trail of Tears |
Johnson-Hanks, Jennifer | Uncertain Honor |
Johnson, Charles | Dreamer |
Johnson, Charles | Middle Passage |
Johnston, David Cay | Perfectly Legal |
Jones, Gayl | CoRregidora |
Jones, Gywn | Eirik the Red and Other Icelandic Sagas |
Jones, LeRoi | Dutchman + The Slave |
Jordan, Tim | Activism |
Kakar, Sudhir | The Colors of Violence |
Kalam, Abdul | Wings of Fire |
Karp, David R. | The Little Book of Restorative Justice for Colleges and Universities |
Katz, Judy H. | White Awareness |
Keiser, Richard A. | Subordination or Empowerment? |
Keller, Nora Okja | Comfort Woman |
Kennedy, Randall | nigger |
Kerrane; Yagoda | The Art of Fact |
Kidder, Tracy | Mountains Beyond Mountains |
Kim, Eun Y. | The Yin and Yang of American Culture |
Kincaid, Jamaica | The Autobiography of My Mother |
Kincaid, Jamaica | My Brother |
King, Coretta Scott | The Martin Luther King, Jr. Companion |
Kingston, Maxine Hong | The Woman Warrior |
Kisliuk, Michelle | Seize the Dance |
Koblik & Graubard | Distinctively American |
Kolbert, Elizabeth | The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History |
Koltyk, Jo Ann | New Pioneers In the Heartland: Hmong Life in Wisconsin |
Komives; Lucas; McMahon | Exploring Leadership |
Kooreman; Kooreman | Breves Cuentos Hispanos |
Korelitz, Jean Hanff | Admission |
Kramer, Jane | Whose Art Is It? |
Krasner, David | A Beautiful Pageant |
Krims, Ada | Rap music and the poetics of identity |
Kuehl, James | Cross-Cultural Perspective (4th Edition) |
Kurlansky, Mark | The White Man in the Tree |
LaDuke, Winona | Last Standing Woman |
LaDuke, Winona | All Our Relations |
LaDuke, Winona | The Winona LaDuke Chronicles |
Lall, Kesar | Folk Tales From Nepal: The Stooe Image and Other Stories |
Lall, Kesar | Folk Tales From Nepal: Myths & Legends |
Lanier; Gay | Living in the U.S.A |
Lapcharoensap, Rattawut | Sightseeing |
Larsen, Nella | Quicksand and Passing |
Lawson, Steven | Running For Freedom |
Lee, Stacey J. | Up Against Whiteness: Race, School ,and Immigrant Youth |
Lencioni, Patrick | The Five Dysfunctions of a Team |
Lewis, Amanda E. | Race in the Schoolyard |
Lewis, David Levering | W.E.B. Du Bois: Biography of a Race (1868-1919) |
Lewis, Richard D. | The Cultural Imperative: Global Trends in the 21st Century |
Lewis, Richard D. | When Cultures Collide (Second Edition) |
Liu, Eric | The Accidental Asian |
Livingston, Michael E. | The African American Book of Lists |
Locke, John | Second Treatise of Government |
Louie; Omatsu | Asian Americans: The Movement and the Moment |
Lowe, Margaret A. | Looking Good |
Lubiano, Wahneema | The House that Race Built |
Lusane, Clarence | African Americans at the Crossroads |
Lusane, Clarence | Race in the Global Era |
Lyons, Richard C. | But By the Chance of War |
MacCann, David R. | Early Korean Literature |
Mackay, Charles | Extraordinary Popular Delusions |
Mahmood, Saba | Politics of Piety |
Makoto, Yamaguchi | Origami in English |
Malcomson, Scott L. | One Drop of Blood |
Malinowski, Bronislaw | Magic, Science, And Religion |
Mandela, Nelson | Long Walk to Freedom (Complete) |
Mandela, Nelson | Long Walk to Freedom (Volume 2: 1962-1994) |
Mankiller, Wilma | Mankiller: A Chief and Her People |
Mankiller; Mink; Navarro; Smith; Steinem | The Reader's Companion to U.S. Women's History |
Mann; Cheng | Under Confucian Eyes |
Marable, Manning | Race, Reform, and Rebellion |
Marable, Manning and Leith Mullings, editors | Let Nobody Turn us Around: Voices of Resistance, Reform, and Renewal: An African American Anthology |
Maraire, J. Nozipo | ZenZele: A Letter for My Daughter |
Marash, Afshin | Nationalizing Iran |
Margolies, Paul | Always Remember |
Marks, Shula | Not Either An Experimental Doll |
Marquez, Benjamin | Lulac |
Marshall, Paule | Praisesong for the Widow |
Marshall, Sarah M. | More Stories of Inspiration |
Martin, Patricia Preciado | Songs My Mother Sang to Me |
Masire, Quett Ketumile Joni | Very Brave or Very Foolish? Memoirs of an African Democrat |
Matsumoto, David | The New Japan |
Maybury-Lewis, David | Indigenous Peoples, Ethnic Groups, and the State |
Mays, Benjamin E. | Born to Rebel: An Autobiography |
McBride, James | The Color of Water |
McFeely, William S. | Frederick Douglass |
McKay, Claude | Banana Bottom |
McKay, Claude | Banjo |
McKenna, Richard | The Sand Pebbles |
McKenna, Teresa; Ortiz Flora Ida | The Broken Web |
McPherson, James Alan | Hue and Cry |
McWhorter, John | Losing the Race |
Mead, Margaret | Coming of Age in Samoa |
Meier, Deborah | In Schools We Trust |
Michael, Ali | Raising Race Questions |
Midwestern Psychological Association 2019 | Midwestern Psychological Association 2019 |
Miller, E. Ethelbert | In Search of Color Everywhere: A Collection of African- Americn Poetry |
Milligan, Bryce | Daughters of the Fifth Sun |
Millman, Dan | Way of the Peaceful Warrior |
Milner, Jr., Murray | Freaks, Geeks, and Cool Kids |
Milosz, Cczeslaw | A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry |
Min, Anchee | The Last Empress |
Minnesota Humanities Commission | Braided Lives |
Mitchell, Melanie | Complexity |
Montesquieu | Persian Letters |
Moore, Jerry D. | Visions of Culture: An Introduction to Anthropological Theories and Theorists |
Moore, Jerry D. | Visions of Culture: An Annotated Reader |
Mootoo, Shani | Cereus Blooms at Night |
Morrison, Toni | Beloved |
Morrison, Toni | Jazz |
Morrison, Toni | Paradise |
Morrison, Toni | Sula |
Mosley, Walter | Black Betty |
Moua, Mai Neng | Bamboo Among the Oaks |
Muller, Gilbert H. | The New World Reader |
Munoz, Manuel | The Faith Healer of Olive Avenue |
Mura, David | Turning Japanese: Memories of a Sansei |
Mura, David | Where the Body Meets Memory: An Odyssey of Race, Sexuality and Identity |
Musil; Garcia; Hudgins; Nettles; Sedlacek; Smith | To Form a Perfect Union |
Naficy, Mariam | The Fast Track |
Nam, Vickie | YELL-Oh Girls! |
Naylor, Gloria | Bailey's Cafe |
Naylor, Gloria | Linden Hills |
Naylor, Gloria | Mamaday |
Naylor, Gloria | The Women of Brewster Place |
Nazario, Sonia | Enrique's Journey |
Nelson, Jill | Straight No Chaser |
Nelson, Jill | Volunteer Slavery |
Nelson, Jill | Police Brutality |
Nelson; Evertz | The Politics of Writing Centers |
Nelson; Tu; Hines | Technicolor: Race, Technology, and Everyday Life |
Nerburn, Kent | Neither Wolf nor Dog |
Neuliep, James W. | Intercultural Communication |
Newport, Cal | How to Become A Straight-A Student |
Nguyễn Thị Diệu Thảo | món điểm tâm thông dụng |
Nimako; Willemsen | The Dutch Atlantic |
Noguera, Pedro A. | The Trouble with the Black Boys |
Noguera; Wing | Unfinished Business |
Norris; Inglehart | Sacred and Secular |
Northrup, Jim | The Rez Road Follies |
Norton | The Norton Anthology of African American Literature |
Norton | The Norton Anthology of African American Literature (Second Edition) |
Norton | The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Shorter Fifth Edition) |
Norton | The Norton Anthology of Poetry |
Norton; Katzman; Escott; Chudacoff; Paterson; Tuttle | A People & A Nation (Third Edition) |
Nyberg, David | The Varnished Truth |
Nydell, Margaret K. (Omar) | Understanding Arabs |
O'Nan, Stewart | Emily, Alone |
Obama, Barack | Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance |
Omi; Winant | Racial Formation in the United States |
Ondaatje, Michael | Anil's Ghost |
Opitz; Oguntoye; Schultz | Showing Our Colors |
Ortiz, Simon J. | Speaking for the Generations |
Orwell, George | Burmese Days |
Pakenham, Thomas | The Scramble of Africa |
Pan, Lynn | The Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas |
Paredes, Americo | George Washington Gomez |
Parker, Clyde A. | Development in College Students |
Parks, Gordon | A Choice of Weapons |
Parks, Suzan-Lori | Topdog/Underdog |
Parrado; Rause | Miracle in the Andes |
Pate, Alexs D. | The Multicultiboho Sideshow |
Pate, Alexs D. | Losing Absalom |
Pate, Alexs D. | Finding Makeba |
Peiss, Kathy | Hope in a Jar |
Peltier, Leonard | Prison Writings: My Life is my Sun Dance |
Penningroth, Dylan C. | The Claims of Kinfolk |
Perdomo. Willie | Where a Nickel Costs a Dime: Poems |
Perdue, Theda | Cherokee Women: Gender and Culture Change, 1700-1835 |
Perry, Mark | Walking the Color Line: The Art and Practice of Anti-Racist Teaching |
Perry, Theresa and Delpit, Lisa, Editors | The Real Ebonics Debate: Power, Language, and the Education of African-American Children |
Pettit, Kevin | Rambling Down Life's Road... |
Pham, Andrew X. | Catfish and Mandala |
Philips, Dr. Abu Amenah Bilal | Arabic Reading & Writing Made Easy |
Phillips, Arthur | Prague |
Pilate, Victoria | Dorm Rooms to Boardrooms |
Plato | Meno |
Polite; Davis | African Americans Males in School and Society: Practices & Policies for Effective Education |
Pollock; Van Reken | The Third Culture Kid Experience |
Pope; Reynolds; Mueller | Multicultural Competence in Student Affairs |
Popkin; Gwiasda | The Hidden War: Crime and the Tragedy of Public Housing in Chicago |
Pranis, Kay | The Little Book of Circle Process |
Prashad, Vijay | The Darker Nations |
Prashad, Vijay | Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting |
Price, Thomas J. | Standoff at the Border: A Failure of Microdiplomacy |
Punch, Keith F. | Developing Effective Research Proposals |
Purcell-Gates, Victoria | Other People's Words |
Putnam, Robert D. | Bowling Alone |
Rauch, Jonathan | Kindly Inquisitors |
Reed Jr., Adolph L. | W.E.B. Du Bois and American Political Thought |
Reed, Ishmael | Multi-America |
Rekdal, Paisley | The Night My Mother Met Bruce Lee |
Remland, Martin S. | Nonverbal Communication in Everyday Life |
Richmond; Gestrin | Into Africa |
Robert, Henry M. | Robert's Rules of Order (Revised) |
Roberts; Klibanoff | The Race Beat |
Robinson, Randall | The Debt What America Owes to Blacks |
Robinson, Randall | Defending the Spirit: A Black Life in America |
Robinson, Randall | Quitting America |
Rodriguez, Luis J. | Trochemoche |
Rodriguez, Richard | Brown: The Last Discovery of America |
Rodriguez, Richard | Hunger Of Memory |
Roediger, David R. | Black on White |
Roediger, David R. | The Wages of Whiteness |
Rosaldo, Renato | Culture and Truth |
Rose, Mike | Lives on the Boundary |
Rose, Wendy | Going to War with All My Relations |
Rothenberg, Paula S. | White Privilege |
Rothschild, Babette | 8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques | The First and Second Discourses |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques | The Social Contract |
Rushdie; West | Mirrorwork: 50 Years of Indian Writing |
Russell, Ralph | The Seeing Eye |
Russell, Steve | Sequoyah Rising |
Ryan, Alan | The Reader's Companion to Mexico |
Ryan, Joan | Little Girls in Pretty Boxes |
Salkey, Andrew | West Indian Stories |
Sanchez, Sonia | Like the Singing Coming Off the Drums |
Santiago, Esmeralda | Almost a Woman |
Satrapi, Marjane | Persepolis |
Satrapi, Marjane | Persepolis 2 |
Savicki, Victor | Developing Intercultural Competence and Transformation |
Schalkwijk; Small | New perspectives on slavery and colonialism in the Caribbean |
Scherman, Tony | Backbeat: Earl Palmer's Story |
Schier, Steven E. | Transforming America: Barack Obama in the White House |
Schneider, Bart | Race: An Anthology in the First Person |
Schwalbe, Michael | Rigging the Game |
Schwartz, Stuart B. | All Can Be Saved |
Scott, James C. | Weapons of the Weak |
Seelye, H. Ned | Experiential Activities for Intercultural Learning |
Sells, Michael | Approaching the Qur'an |
Sen; Mamdouh | The Accidental American: Immigration and Citizenship in the Age of Globalization |
Senna, Danzy | Caucasia |
Sewell, Marilyn | Claiming the Spirit Within |
Shabazz, Jamel | Seconds of My Life |
Shahriari, Andrew | Popular World Music |
Shange, Ntozake | If I Can Cook/You Know God Can |
Shipler, David K. | The Working Poor: Invisible in America |
Sijie, Dai | Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress |
Silko, Leslie Marmon | The Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit |
Simonson; Walker | Multi-Cultural Literacy |
Sleeper, Jim | Liberal Racism |
Smith, Daryl G., Associates | Diversity Works: The Emerging Picture of How Students Benefit |
Smith, Jessie Carney | Black Firsts |
Smith, Richard J. | China's Cultural Heritage (Second Edition) |
Smith, Robert C. | Racism in the Post-Civil Rights Era |
Spence, Jonathan D. | Treason by the Book |
Stephen, Lynn | Transborder Lives |
Sterelny, Kim | Thought in a Hostile World |
Stewart, Tony K. | Fabulous Females and Peerless Pirs |
Stewart; Bennett | American Cultural Patterns (Revised Edition) |
Storti, Craig | The Art of Crossing Cultures |
Storti, Craig | Cross-Cultural Dialogues: 74 Brief Encounters with Cultural Difference |
Storti, Craig | Figuring Foreigners Out |
Straight, Susan | Aquaboogie |
Straight, Susan | Blacker than a Thousand Midnights |
Summerfield, Ellen | Crossing Cultures Through Film |
Sundquist, Eric J. | The Oxford W. E. B Du Bois Reader |
Suskind, Ron | A Hope in the Unseen |
Suu Kyi, Aung San | Freedom from Fear |
Swagerty, W. R. | Scholars and the Indian Experience |
Swann, Brian | Wearing the Morning Star |
Sweet, James H. | Recreating Africa |
Takaki, Ronald | Double Victory: A Multicultural History of America in World War II |
Takaki, Ronald | A Different Mirror |
Takaki, Ronald | Iron Cages: Race @ Culture in 19th-Century America |
Takaki, Ronald | Debating Diversity |
Tapahonso, Luci | A Radiant Curve |
Tapahonso, Luci | Saanii Dahataal: The Women Are Singing |
Tarpley, Natasha | I Love My Hair! |
Tenberken, Sabriye | My Path Leasd to Tibet |
Terkel, Studs | Working |
Thakor; Kedar | On My Own Two Feet |
Thiroux, Emily | Cultures- 2nd ed. |
Thiss, Tom | The Wizard of Is |
Thomas, Hugh | The Slave Trade |
Thomas, Velma Maia | Lest We Forget |
Thompson, Era Bell | American Daughter |
Thurman, Robert A. | The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti |
Tindall; Gray | Peer Counseling: An In-Depth Look at Training Peer Helpers |
Tinto, Vincent | Leaving College |
Tipler, Frank J. | The Physcis of Immortality |
Tobin; Dobard | Hidden in Plain View |
Tocqueville | Democracy in America |
Tolle, Eckhart | A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose |
Torres, Rodolfo | Race, Identity and Citizenship |
Tough, Paul | Whatever It Takes |
Trueba, Enrique (Henry) T. | Latinos Unidos |
Tucker, Robert C. | The Marx-Engels Reader |
Tudela, Sampson Vera | Colonial Angles |
Tyson, Timothy B. | Radio Free Dixie: Robert F. Williams & the Roots of Black Power |
Ung, Loung | First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers |
Utley, Ebony A. | Rap and Religion: Understanding the Gangsta's God |
Vaccaro; McCoy; Champagne; Siegel | Decisions Matter |
Valdez, Luis | Zoot Suit and Other Plays |
Vallejo, Cesar | The Complete Poetry: Cesar Vallejo |
Van Ausdale; Feagin | The First R: How Children Learn Race and Racism |
Vasquez, John A. | Classics of International Relations (Third Edition) |
Vazquez, Jr., Diego | Growing Through the Ugly |
Verburg, Carol J. | Making Contact: Reading from Home and Abroad |
Villanueva, Victor | Bootstraps: From an American Academic of Color |
Wade-Gayles, Gloria | Father Songs |
Wagner; Magistrale | Writing Across Culture |
Walker, Alice | Anything We Love Can Be Saved |
Walker, Clarence E. | Deromanticizing Black History |
Wallis, Jim | The Soul of Politics |
Washington, Denzel | A Hand To Guide Me |
Washington, Mary Helen | Invented Lives |
Washington, Mary Helen | Black-Eyed Susans; Midnight Birds |
Watson, James L. | Golden Arches East |
Waziyatawin, Ph.D. | What Does Justice Look Like? |
Waziyatawin; Angela; Wilson | In the Footsteps of Our Ancestors |
Welaratna, Usha | Beyond the Killing Fields |
Wells, Spencer | The Journey of Man |
Wesley, Charles H. | Neglected History |
West, Cornel | Race Matters |
Weston, Anthony | A Rulebook for Arguments, 4th Edition |
White, Shane & Graham | Stylin’ |
White, Sol | History of Colored Baseball, with Other Documents on the Early Black Game, 1886-1936 |
Whitehead, Neil | Of Cannibals and Kings |
Wideman, John Edgar | Brothers and Keepers |
Wideman, John Edgar | All Stories Are True |
Wideman, John Edgar | Philadelphia Fire |
Wideman, John Edgar | Hiding Place |
Wideman, John Edgar | Sent For You Yesterday |
Willems, Mo | You Can Never Find a Rickshaw When It Monsoons |
Williams, Cecil | No Hiding Place |
Williams, Gregory Howard | Life on the Color Line |
Williams, Juan | Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years |
Williams, Lena | It's the Little Things |
Williams, Patricia j. | Seeing a Color-Blind Future |
Wilson, August | Fences |
Wilson, August | Joe Turner's Come and Gone |
Winkle-Wagner, Rachelle | Cultural Capital |
Wisniewski, David | Sundiata: Lion King of Mali |
Witt, Doris | Black Hunger |
Wright, Richard | Uncle Tom’s Children |
Wright, Richard | Black Boy |
Wright, Richard | The Outsider |
Wu, Frank H. | Yellow: Race in America Beyond Black and White |
Yang; Gan; Hong; Staff of A. Magazine | Eastern Standard Time: A Guide to Asian Influence on American Culture |
Yew, Chay | The Hyphenated American |
Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth | Global Cultures: A Transnational Short Fiction Reader |
Young, Al | Sitting Pretty |
Youngblood, Shay | Black Girl in Paris |
Yu; Bol; Owen; Peterson | Ways with Words: Writing about Reading Texts from Early China |
Yunus, Muhammad | Building Social Business |
Zhao, Qiguang | Do Nothing & Do Everything: An Illustrated New Taoism |
Zia, Helen | Asian American Dreams: The Emergence of an American People |
Zinsser, William | On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction |
Zola, Emile | Germinal |
Zukin; Keeter; Andolina; Jenkins; Delli Carpini | A New Engagement? Political Participation, Civic Life, and the Changing American Citizen |
Montgomery, David | Native American Crafts & Skills |
Keogh, Dermot | Twentieth-Century Ireland: Nation and State |
Catlin, George | North American Indians |
Weatherford, Jack | How the Indians Enriched America |
Sarris, Greg | Grand Avenue |