Oct 14
Middlebury Schools Abroad Virtual Information Session
The Middlebury C.V. Starr Schools Abroad are characterized by a focus on linguistic and cultural immersion with programs in 16 countries. Participants take courses in most subjects, often with host country students, and may intern or engage in volunteer work. On most programs, communication is in the target language under the Middlebury Language Pledge. For more information watch this YouTube Video.
The Middlebury C.V. Starr Schools Abroad program representative will host a virtual information session via Zoom (Meeting ID: 995 8129 0754 Passcode: 367612) on October 14th from 5-6pm. If you are unable to attend at this time and would like more information, email Mikaela Taylor at amtaylor@middlebury.edu.
Event Link: for More Information
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