Oct 27
Sea Education Association Info Table
Sea Education Association (SEA) is a non-profit organization that offers ocean-focused programs on shore and at sea aboard two tall ship sailing school vessels, one in the Atlantic and one in the Pacific. SEA offers a variety of undergraduate semester and summer programs with focuses on science, environmental issues, culture, and history. Whether on shore on our campus in the oceanographic research community of Woods Hole, MA or at sea aboard one of our tall ships, students will explore the ocean, expand their knowledge, conduct field research, and engage with the most critical environmental issues of our time. For more information please watch this video.
To learn about Sea Education Association (SEA), visit their Info Table in Sayles on October 27th from 11am-2pm! If you are unable to attend at this time and would like more information, email Thaviny Shaipitisiri at institutionalrelations@sea.edu
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