Feb 8
College Year in Athens (CYA) Info Table
Tue, February 8, 2022
• 11:00am
- 2:00pm (3h) • Sayles Great Space

CYA provides study abroad opportunities in Greece, offering semester, academic year, winter and summer programs taught in English. Our program boasts an extensive range of academically outstanding courses and unique learning opportunities promoting learning beyond the classroom. We foster student engagement through study-travel, on-site classes, and instruction from expert faculty.
A CYA program representative will host an in-person information session in Sayles Great Space on February 8th from 11am-2pm. If you are unable to attend at this time and would like more information, email Lauren Russell at info@cyathens.org.
Event Contact: jmcmurray
Event Link: for More Information
Event Link: for More Information
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