If you face an emergency while traveling or on your program, the resources of your program and Carleton are available to you. The first step is usually to reach out to your Program Director or the emergency phone number provided to you by your program.
Off-Campus Studies staff can be reached during Carleton’s business hours by phone at +1-507-222-4332 or by email at ocs@carleton.edu. For after-hours service, we carry an emergency phone 24/7/365. Call Carleton Campus Security at +1 507-222-4444 to be connected to the OCS staff member on call.
If you are facing a mental health crisis, you can either call Security or the College’s 24/7/365 crisis counseling service at +1-855-705-2479.
If you need medical attention and can’t reach your program director, call your international insurance/travel assistance company. For students on Carleton programs, insured through CISI/AXA Assist the number is
- Toll-free in the U.S.: +1-855-327-1411
- Outside of the U.S. (Call Collect): +1-312-935-1703
- Email: medassist-usa@axa-assistance.us
You will need to provide your Carleton College Policy number, name, and date of birth.
See a list of emergency (911-equivalent) numbers by country.
Remember to do your to best to stay calm, to reach out first to the individuals/organizations that are best able to help you (usually local staff or public resources), and to keep in contact with all parties who are assisting you until the crisis is resolved.