Congratulations to six Carls who received the DIS Intercultural Leadership Award!

26 January 2012

This past fall, the following six students received Intercultural Leadership Awards from the Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS):

  • Dylan Cheever, 2013
  • Jeweletter Johnson, 2013
  • Ken Miyamoto, 2013
  • Ken Zillig, 2013
  • Marika Xydes-Smith, 2013
  • Melody Zhou, 2013

These students received this award in recognition of their exceptional efforts to engage with Danes during their semester abroad in Copenhagen. They joined running clubs and attended swing dance classes with Danish friends, exchanged Thanksgiving and Danish recipes with their host families, and challenged themselves, in a variety of other ways, to step outside of their comfort zones with an open mind and to get the most out of their study abroad experience.

We congratulate these students on their awards and hope that they continue to reflect on their experiences and to engage in intercultural exchange! For more information on DIS, please click here.

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