Where Carls Live: Nourse Hall

Juniors Jenni (Atlanta), Rebecca (New York), and Zoe (San Anselmo, Calif.), show us what it’s like to live in a triple room in Nourse Hall.

18 January 2018 Posted In:
A bigger look at the main room, complete with Jenni & Zoe
A bigger look at the main room, complete with Jenni & ZoePhoto:

Nourse Hall is a really exciting dorm—there’s something unique about each floor, and really, in each room. The second floor? Substance-free (you can request to live on a Sub-free floor). Third floor? The quiet floor, no excessive noise 24/7 (you can request to live on this floor, too). Floor four? It’s jokingly called “the Nunnery,” as it is home only to female-identifying individuals (also livable by request). When Nourse Hall was built in 1917, it was an all-women dorm.

What do students have to say about Nourse?

“it’s a pretty central place on campus”

“nice vibe over here”

“it’s a special dorm”  

Here’s what makes Nourse unique:

  • Four stories tall, but also has a ground/basement level with student rooms
  • First floor is home to Nourse Main Lounge, which is especially large and has a television—a lot of student groups meet here
  • Home to Little Nourse Theater, a black box theater where student theatrical and comic performances are held
  • On the quad area surrounding the “mini bald spot,” a green space where students lounge anytime the weather rises above forty degrees
  • Closest buildings: Language & Dining Center (LDC), Myers Hall, Cassat Hall, James Hall, The Science Complex (to be completed by fall 2019)
  • Mostly first-years and sophomores, some juniors
  • Offers singles, doubles, and triples—some of which are two-room

Jenni Rogan, a junior Biology major from Atlanta, Rebecca Newman, a junior History major from New York City, and Zoe Harris, a junior Psychology major from San Anselmo, California, live in a Nourse two-room triple, and they were eager to share their space! Check out what they have to say: