Video Feature: Bassekou Kouyate and Ngoni Ba Mali Music Performance

Back in mid-April, Bassekou Kouyate and the band Ngoni Ba performed at Carleton’s Great Hall in front of an energetic crowd in Great Hall. Josiah Burns ’12 produced a video of the performance, while Nate Ryan ’10 shared a photo slide show of his vivid images of the event.

9 June 2010 Posted In:
Bassekou Kouyate and Ngoni Ba
Bassekou Kouyate and Ngoni BaPhoto: Khant Khant Kyaw '11

Back in mid-April, Bassekou Kouyate and the band Ngoni Ba performed at Carleton’s Great Hall in front of an energetic crowd in Great Hall. Josiah Burns ’12 produced a video of the performance, while Nate Ryan ’10 shared a photo slide show of his vivid images of the event.

Burns Video of Event | Ryan Photo Slide