Schneider Pens Opinion Piece in Star Tribune

Jack Schneider, Robert A. Oden Jr. Postdoctoral Fellow for Innovation in the Liberal Arts at Carleton College, wrote an opinion piece in the June 10 edition of the Star Tribune entitled “History bends in the hands of ideologues.” In the article, Schneider uses former Alaska governor Sarah Palin’s view of Paul Revere’s intentions during his ride as an example of public figures using history to serve their own purposes. “Now it’s Sarah Palin’s turn, and she wants to cast Revere as a proud gun owner. She wants us to see him as someone who supported the wishes of “well-armed persons” to remain that way. She is out to create a new historical narrative,” he writes. Schneider points out that Palin is hardly the first one to use Revere’s ride to serve their own purpose.

10 June 2011 Posted In:
Dr. Jack Schneider
Dr. Jack SchneiderPhoto:

Jack Schneider, Robert A. Oden Jr. Postdoctoral Fellow for Innovation in the Liberal Arts at Carleton College, wrote an opinion piece in the June 10 edition of the Star Tribune entitled “History bends in the hands of ideologues.” In the article, Schneider uses former Alaska governor Sarah Palin’s view of Paul Revere’s intentions during his ride as an example of public figures using history to serve their own purposes. “Now it’s Sarah Palin’s turn, and she wants to cast Revere as a proud gun owner. She wants us to see him as someone who supported the wishes of “well-armed persons” to remain that way. She is out to create a new historical narrative,” he writes. Schneider points out that Palin is hardly the first one to use Revere’s ride to serve their own purpose.