Schier Says Dems, Republicans Far Apart on Jobs Issue in US News

Steven Schier, the Dorothy H. and Edward C. Congdon Professor of Political Science, is quoted in the May 26 edition of U.S. News & World Report talking about the stalemate between the Republicans and Democrats on the jobs issue facing the United States. Schier tells the publication “”Both parties are pretty dug-in ideologically about the job issue. The truth may well lie in between these ideological perspectives, but neither side is willing to acknowledge that publicly, because they’re so committed to their previous positions.”

26 May 2011 Posted In:
Steven Schier
Steven SchierPhoto:

Steven Schier, the Dorothy H. and Edward C. Congdon Professor of Political Science, is quoted in the May 26 edition of U.S. News & World Report talking about the stalemate between the Republicans and Democrats on the jobs issue facing the United States. Schier tells the publication “”Both parties are pretty dug-in ideologically about the job issue. The truth may well lie in between these ideological perspectives, but neither side is willing to acknowledge that publicly, because they’re so committed to their previous positions.”