Salomon awarded fellowship

Noah Salomon, associate professor of religion, has received a prestigious New Directions Fellowship from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for a new project, “Thinking Islam across the Sunni-Shi‘i Divide: A…

4 May 2018 Posted In:

Noah Salomon, associate professor of religion, has received a prestigious New Directions Fellowship from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for a new project, “Thinking Islam across the Sunni-Shi‘i Divide: A New Approach to Islamic Studies.” Among all grants available to humanities scholars, New Directions Fellowships have the largest in size and the longest in duration—up to $300,000 and three years. His project will explore the intertwinings of the Sunni and Shi‘i worlds and develop a unique new perspective on key questions that have troubled Islamic studies, and religion at large, for decades. His project will involve extensive travel and language study as well as deep research into Shi’ite Islam. In addition to a new scholarly project, the New Directions Fellowship will also enable him to launch new courses related to his studies.